Blue cheese slices?

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I saw something kind of neat today. One of our local stores is selling blue cheese slices. I've never seen that before. Has anyone else?


  • blue cheese slices.png
    blue cheese slices.png
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They call it 'Burger Blue." Sounds like good product marketing. The only reason I can think of to buy sliced blue cheese is to put it on a burger.

I suppose they would have to change the texture for it to slice and remain intact, but cool idea..I use castello at the deli for our sandwiches and burgers but we just crumble it up and get stinky fingers
I'm getting some tomorrow. Even if I don't use it all for burgers, I can melt it and use it for more blue cheese dressing.
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