Advice on buying a non-electric pressure cooker

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
it is mostly intended for legumes.
i've induction stove.
there is a recipe for soaked beans [kind of a chili] that you cook for 6 hours in ordinary pot.
will pressure cooker give the same taste and texture in its end result in the pressure cooker too..?

do you recommend ikea's pressure cooker? my concern is that you can't find repairing parts for it after purchase like insulation..

please assist.. i want to know if i should buy it..

btw. i've an instant pot that doesn't works well anymore.. this time i think i will need a non electric.......

im from israel so no all options from amazon are ok and will take a long time to arrive anyway..

thank you in advance :)
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Be sure whatever metal the pressure cooker is made of is good for your induction burner. I found some pans that say they are good but are really not. It will not change the flavour, texture is up to you in however long you cook it for, no?
You will have to be with your pressure cooker while using it. It needs to be monitored. So personally I think you would be better off getting a new Instant pot.
They are both using electricity.
so you are saying that taste and texture of pressure cooking the same as slow cooking? im not sure if this is what you said and if its true.. it takes less than half the time for presure cooking and flavors and texturr might be less good.... not sure if i understand..

i think this model is ok with induction. but it doesnt mentions induction. they say 'magnetic stove'. is that the same thing?

i remember there are other brands too. i will try to search to see..
Are you asking if a stove top pressure cooker will give the same results (taste/texture) as an instant pot?
Yes it will. You can adjust the heat and timing on a stove top pressure canner.

As you probably already know, the timing affects the texture and some beans need more and some beans need less.
With my current beans the little black beans and northern beans cook much faster than small red beans, soybeans, and kidney beans.
Are you asking if a stove top pressure cooker will give the same results (taste/texture) as an instant pot?
Yes it will. You can adjust the heat and timing on a stove top pressure canner.

As you probably already know, the timing affects the texture and some beans need more and some beans need less.
With my current beans the little black beans and northern beans cook much faster than small red beans, soybeans, and kidney beans.
regular cooking vs pressure

thank you all for the information
i will buy the ikea one....
Before I bought my IP, I cooked beans on the stove in a regular pot, for an hour or two hours, however long it took to get the beans to be soft on the inside but keep their shape.
They taste the same and have the same texture as a stove top pressure cooker.
one of the recipes i want to make is a bean stew in which the beans are almost falling apart..
this is why it takes 6 hours in regular cooking.

i've now two option for non electric one..
-the ikea one [huge company and made in china]
-a soltam brand one [which is not a huge company but still made in china.]

in the past i had a lagostina which was made in italy..

i'm not sure if i should go on soltam or ikea's..

i just know one thing.
the people in a certain group on facebook that is about cooking and in hebrew might help because they are local....
but unfortunately they don't allow me to ask or say anything in this group.. just to read as a facebook user..

if you could have asked them for me it could have also been wonderful..

this is the link if you are interested to ask for me..
I'm glad you made a decision. If you don't mind when you get it, to review it here for people that might be interested. Thanks!
tommorow I'm making a bean soupy stew.
i will write how it functions.

if i cook half a kilo of soaked beans (i mean half a kilo dry that i soaked) by the way for three hours simmered on low heat, how much water or liquid do i need? it should be like a chili and there is tomato paste and not crushed tomatoes in it..

i dont want to end up with a lot of excess liquid after cooking has finished and the pressure went down..

one thing i could already say is that it isnt clear where exactly the the attached pin should be inserted to clean the valve.. but maybe i will hace to read the english manual and not just the short Hebrew manual..

over all, the quality is reasonable. i dont know if the rubber insulation can be replaced when time will require it..

but i will really have to experiment to know more clearly..

i think that my instant pot might got bad because ive put the lid in the dish washer in the past and something with closing it got bad

thanks for the opportunity
@SEEING-TO-BELIEVE , I couldn't tell you how much liquid or water to put in with 1/2 kilo of beans. I usually cook beans with extra water and drain them, then cook my dish with them.
If your Instant Pot got bad because you put the lid in the dishwasher, couldn't you try replacing the lid? Do you know anyone who would lend you an Instant Pot lid to test that?
tommorow I'm making a bean soupy stew.
i will write how it functions.

if i cook half a kilo of soaked beans (i mean half a kilo dry that i soaked) by the way for three hours simmered on low heat, how much water or liquid do i need? it should be like a chili and there is tomato paste and not crushed tomatoes in it..

i dont want to end up with a lot of excess liquid after cooking has finished and the pressure went down..

one thing i could already say is that it isnt clear where exactly the the attached pin should be inserted to clean the valve.. but maybe i will hace to read the english manual and not just the short Hebrew manual..

over all, the quality is reasonable. i dont know if the rubber insulation can be replaced when time will require it..

but i will really have to experiment to know more clearly..

i think that my instant pot might got bad because ive put the lid in the dish washer in the past and something with closing it got bad

thanks for the opportunity
Three hours is a zillion times too long in a pressure cooker !

You will end up with excess liquid in a pressure cooker because it’s a pressure cooker
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