Monday supper, did anyone eat on 2024 September 23

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I hope I didn't just miss the supper thread for Monday. I did try to find one.

I had a tray bake of a chicken leg, a couple of "Santiago Lime & Cilantro Sausages (pork, frozen)", mushrooms, carrots, onion, celery, finocchio (fennel as a veg), wax beans, cauliflower, and rutabaga. It was all tossed with EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil). Some of the finocchio burnt, but that often happens the first time I add a new veg to the mix. It was, as almost every tray bake is, very good. Not at all fancy, but good homey food. Yeah, there's a picture of the thigh on my plate, but once I was done taking pictures, I decided that was too much meat and had the drumstick instead.

2024-09-23 Tray bake of sausage, chicken leg, mushrooms, and veggies on tray.jpg
2024-09-23 Tray bake of sausage, chicken leg, mushrooms, and veggies up close.jpg
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