2/22/2011 - What's for dinner?

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Happy Birthday Annie! Yesterday was my nephew's birthday (15) today is my sister's birthday (43) and tomorrow is my dad's birthday (75). We'll have our cake on Sunday when the whole family will be together.

As for supper, DH has class again tonight so I heated up the meatball subs that were leftover. I ate one and he'll get the rest when he gets home.
:chef:Happy b-day Annie! I was going to say that it was a shame that you had to make your own cake, but then I saw it. I bet it will be great, and much better than if anyone else had made it. Enjoy the rest of your day!:)
To quote my husband, "I'm full as a tick!"

I just threw some beef strips into the crock-pot with some onions, a can of cream of mushroom soup, half a pound of sliced fresh mushrooms, and some red wine and let my little electric wonder do its job.

We had mashed potatoes and buttered green beans (canned from last year's garden) and homemade watermelon rind pickles (also from the garden).

Finished up with more of the Amaretto-Almond Pound Cake.

Yep...full as a tick.
I've been under the weather all day. I'm going to heat up soup for me and I'll put a burger on the foreman grill for him. If I can get out of bed in the few minutes i'll make fries, if not, I think we have a bag of chips or pretzels
I'm going to do something with leftover chicken breasts seasoned with Cajun hot sauce, lemon juice, and lots of spices, such as chili powder, cumin powder, etc. Maybe Chicken Quesadillas... Meanwhile, I know what dessert is going to be - Homemade Bittersweet Chocolate Ice Cream!
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes! It was a nice one. Mexican for dinner and then the cake. It turned out really well. I used the old standby Hershey's cocoa recipe w/ a buttercream frosting. So rich, but so good!!:chef:

Happy birthday Annie. Glad to hear supper and the cake turned out well.

We had biksemad (Danish hash). It's a great way to use up left over cooked meat and really yummy.


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Happy birthday Annie. Glad to hear supper and the cake turned out well.

We had biksemad (Danish hash). It's a great way to use up left over cooked meat and really yummy.
Is the recipe for biksemad posted at DC? I am making hash right now, but I would love to try another recipe someday. I did a super simple version--just leftover roast, cut into cubes, minced garlic, chopped onion, cubed potatoes cooked until potatoes are done, then I make gravy. I usually serve it with green beans. I would love to know your recipe. :cool:
Tonight I had scallops and spinach casserole....leftovers. I also made a batch of peppermint pattie ice cream but It is still firming up.
Is the recipe for biksemad posted at DC? I am making hash right now, but I would love to try another recipe someday. I did a super simple version--just leftover roast, cut into cubes, minced garlic, chopped onion, cubed potatoes cooked until potatoes are done, then I make gravy. I usually serve it with green beans. I would love to know your recipe. :cool:

Sounds a lot like yours. It's here: http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f142/biksemad-danish-hash-68769.html#post944791

As you can tell from my pix, I didn't put the full amount of parsley and we were out of pickled beets :( We will be making more pickled beets very soon. BTW, DH made it. I only chopped the onions and parsley :)
Happy Birthday Annie!! Beautiful cake! Dis you get a pic of a cut slice?
TLT Sandwiches (Taylor ham (pork roll for those outside NJ) cooked on the stove-top grill pan, lettuce and tomato) on toasted whole grain bread, mayo, ground sea salt and ground peppercorn blend.


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