What happens to spices that you don't store in the fridge or freezer?

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
and what if i put them in the fridge and use when cooking with it?
does moisture is accumulated inside in this case?

besides black pepper i put all of my spices in the fridge and freezer.
i find it fine and good but want to be sure this is the right way..

do you have ideas about that?

I don't put any spices in the fridge. My pantry is dark, cool, and dry.

Be careful putting spices in the fridge, because condensation can happen, and that moisture can mess them up.

I keep my spices at room temperature. Refrigerating them may cause moisture issues. If you take a cold bottle of a spice out of the fridge and open it, room temperature air will enter the bottle. As the room air is warmer, it can hold more moisture. When you refrigerate the spice, the warm air cools and loses it ability to hold that extra moisture, causing it to condense inside the bottle and on the spice.

Age is a bigger issue with spices than temperature. Buy only the quantities you will use in a reasonable amount of time so the spices don't lose their potency.
so bottom line is that you say that in no circumstance should one keep spices in the fridge if he wants it safe?

i will also add that i'm not using bottles but thick plastic bags from the shop..

in israel spices shops won't always allow you to buy small quantity. it is possible most of the time, but when it comes to let's say grounded fennel, they won't bother grounding it for me for a small quantity. and they don't have it grounded in advance..

does moisture can be trapped in the freezer the same way btw?

have you read about the dangers of using spices?
lately i've read an article in hebrew about the problems that different spices poses. they may contain dangerous additives..

i can't send you the article.. not because of the language barrier but because of another reason..
I don't keep spices in the fridge. I don't keep herbs in the fridge. Okay, both hot peppers and garlic are sometimes kept in the fridge or freezer. If I have more of some fresh herb than I will use before it goes off, I put it in the freezer. Actually, I like to have a whole variety of frozen fresh (as opposed to dried) herbs in my freezer.

As to whole versus ground spices, like fennel, I like to have the whole spice and grind it right before using it. The whole spices stay fresh for a very long time at room temperature. I think it is well worth having a spice grinder and a mortar and pestle to deal with whole spices.
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Ground spices are the things that will lose their flavor fastest, but there are things like cinnamon and ginger that are not something you want to grind with normal machinery. For these kind of spices, and some of those Indian masalas, that I make a lot of, I put a smaller amount in jars, and put the rest in a vacuum sealed bag - they keep much better that way. I do the same with whole spices, though with things that could puncture the bags, like whole cloves or star anise, I put it in another bag, folded over, then seal the outer bag. Another thing that can be done with those is put spices in mason jars, and suck the air out of them, so almost all the oxygen is gone, and the spices will stay fresh much longer.

The large amounts of coriander and cumin I get in the Indian markets I put in those vacuum sealed bags, then when I need to refill the fairly large jars I keep it in, I snip off a corner of the bag, pour it into the jar, and re-seal it, with the Vacu-vin; ground spices I keep in smaller jars, and just refill it more often.

Some things you'll want to refrigerate or freeze are things that will go rancid. Sesame seeds, white and dark poppy seeds are two things that come to mind. And something I keep in my freezer is saffron, simply because I almost never use it! I got a generous amount of it once, relatively cheap, and I keep it in one of those mason jars, and evacuate the jar again, before putting it back in the freezer.
so bottom line is that you say that in no circumstance should one keep spices in the fridge if he wants it safe?
are you referring to "safe" as in dangerous to health? Don't think anyone actually said that.
The "danger" is that it will become moist and clumpy and be sort of useless.
Now, should that clump go moldy, well maybe it could be dangerous, but I should certainly hope you would see the mold and toss it out rather than use it!

(oops wrote this up around 3pm, yup, another lost forgot me post)
+1 to buying whole spices.

And I do keep some excess in the freezer for storage.
Once I start using that specific pack they don't go back in the freezer
and what if i put them in the fridge and use when cooking with it?
does moisture is accumulated inside in this case?

besides black pepper i put all of my spices in the fridge and freezer.
i find it fine and good but want to be sure this is the right way..

do you have ideas about that?

I keep spices and dried herbs in the fridge. We buy most from Costco, so the container is large.
They go directly into the fridge. I have a section in there just for them.
I keep my black peppercorns, course ground and fine ground pepper in the fridge as well.
The only thing that does not go into the fridge is salt.
I keep kosher, fine sea salt and Maldon sea salt flakes in the cupboard.

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