Today's harvest

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I don't know much about squash and pumpkins, but my mind is a bit confused right now. Larry and Marlingardiner harvesting things I just don't imagine in July. Especially those pumpkins... IIRC those were grown in North/Central Texas?

This time of summer, I'm just happy to have something alive in my garden.

Just picked my first ripe cherry tomatoes! 😀


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So I cooked up that squash I grew. As expected, zucchini like flavor. A little firmer because the neck portion has no seeds. I slightly over cooked it a bit ( doing too many other things at once), so so hit did get softer than I wanted. I didnt cut up the body/ bulb portion yet, but it can definitely be subbed for one of those ' eight ball' round zucchini's due to size and shape, and stuffed . Also picked my leeks today ( average to small in size


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I didn't even look at the eggplants today, only the tomatoes. These I skipped yesterday, and I could tell!
The larger tomatoes, and those Ron's Carbon Copy on the side, that I had to clean Surround powder from. 7-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Another 2 qts of the smaller tomatoes. 7-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

And here's one of the 3 trays of tomatoes, that went into the dehydrator, along with 4 trays of eggplant, a little less eggplant than the first time.
One of the 3 trays of tomatoes for the dehydrator. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I've been getting tomatoes steadily and, today, I got 5 of cucumbers, which are called "Party Time." They are a small-sized cucumber and I love their flavor. Also I have enough okra over the past three days to make a batch of fried okra, and have harvested three slender eggplants.
And today I harvested 12 more eggplants, along with another bottle gourd, and 2 more cucumbers. It seems that the bottle gourds and cucumbers don't do as well in the intense heat, and the Long Purple eggplant isn't doing as well, and the Asian Delight hybrid gets seedy quickly, though it doesn't get bitter. I'm expecting these 3 Long Purples to be seedy, since they stopped growing a while ago, so I'll see if they got bitter. At any rate, they were the least productive, so I probably won't grow them again. The Ichibans were the best, again, and this time they weren't bothered by the heat, which, normally, is the only bad thing about them! I'm thinking that this is an OP version of it, while the old ones were hybrid, as I got a large number of seeds cheap, on ebay.
A bottle gourd, 2 cukes, and 12 more eggplants! 1 Matrosik, 3 Long Purple, 3 Asian Delight, and 5 Ichiban. 7-21 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I had my largest harvest of the larger tomatoes today - I didn't even harvest any of the smaller ones, but there are a lot of those ripening, too, of course.

I got 7 tomatoes from those two Superfantastik plants, with one at 14.55 oz. And that "ugliest tomato" from the Beefmaster hybrid is 17.65 oz - the largest, so far this year.
7 Superfantastics, from 2 plants, largest one 14.55 oz. 7-23 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Overflowing 8 qt container of the larger tomatoes harvested on 7-23 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Most of the tomatoes I harvested on 7-23, plus another bottle gourd. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Oh yeah - I have some peppers out there, too! :LOL:

I saw some ripe, orange Hanoi Markets out there yesterday, which is early for those - they usually start about a week into August, then take off non-stop. One of those indeterminate peppers! I didn't pick any, as they are one of the covered ones, and it was too windy to uncover them, or rather, to re-cover them! This, after yesterday, with not a leaf moving in the trees.

Also saw some full sized, but still green, habaneros - about average for those, as I usually get ripe ones at the very end of July, or beginning of August.

And I harvested about the same amount of the Thai Vesuvius starting to ripen. Not a single blossom on that plant, with all those full sized peppers, but this will probably trigger more blossoms. The Thai Dragon plants have a lot of peppers on them, and a bunch of blossoms, as well. Time will tell if that's an indeterminate type.
The first harvest, almost finished ripening, and today's Thai Vesuvius, about the same amount. 7-23 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Today I harvested a bunch of smaller tomatoes, as the last two days I haven't been able to, due to the wetness everywhere (I don't like digging through those thick plants when they are soaked). It finally dried up today, with some wind helping, and the humidity dropped some, finally! Next 3 days is supposed to stay that way, but I won't hold my breath.
Just the Sunsgars, from the 2 plants. 7-25, after skipping 2 days. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

About 4 quarts of all the smaller tomatoes, after a 2 day skip. 7-25 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I only picked one of the larger ones, a Oaxacan Jewel - one of those for the "ugliest tomato" contest.
Another "ugliest tomato" - the only larger tomato picked on 7-25. One of the Oaxacan Jewels. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Also got a few more cukes and eggplants:
2 cukes, and 6 more eggplants - 1 Long Purple, 2 Asian Delights, and 3 Ichibans. 7-25 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Back to the larger tomatoes today, and I even left a number of the blushed ones, just because there are so many!
A 4 qt bowl, and another container of the larger tomatoes ripening. The Green Giants starting to get some, around 10-11 oz each. 7-26 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Also harvested a few Aruna peppers, which are loaded with peppers, like those Thai peppers. And they are one of those determinate types, which gets peppers almost the same size, and ripen at pretty much the same time, then another flush of blossoms creates more peppers, when those are picked.
Aruna peppers ripening, 7-26 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

And I didn't pick any yet, but the Datil is starting to ripen!
Datil pepper ripening, 7-26 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I'm getting more peppers daily, and today mostly the Aruna and the Thai Vesuvius, and the Thai Vesuvius I saw today had some flower buds on them - I might try to bag a stem with some new buds, before they open, and I'll look for some on the Arunas, too.
More peppers - it's that time again! 7-27 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A few more tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers, too.
More tomatoes, from 7-27. Didn't harvest the small tomatoes. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Cukes and eggplants harvested on 7-27 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Today it was a bunch more of the smaller tomatoes - close to the 4 qts from 2 days ago! And those Sunsugar, Bronze Torch, and Negro Azteka had plants growing so high past the trellis that they were getting to high for me to reach! I'm 6' 6", so they were well over 7'. So I took the cordless hedge clippers I have, and clipped the tips of all the highest vines, figuring this will just make them grow more from below.
Almost 4 more quarts of the smaller tomatoes. 7-28 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Picked Russet and Red Norland potatoes today from the raised beds. Still have Yukon gold in a raised bed, but the plants still haven't started to die off yet. In my mixed ' on ground bed', plants still kicking too. Will make fries and pierogi to freeze with this round ( saving some for baking, mashed potatoes and every day use) , then start picking the rest. I also started some sprouting potatoes in buckets a few weeks ago to extend the potato harvesting season. ( wooden frames in pic are approximately 2' by 2' for reference).


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I'm dazzled by everyone's harvests! I have a steady stream of cherry tomatoes, and am still getting enough okra to have a side for us once every couple of days. The cucumbers are starting to produce. Slicing tomatoes took a hiatus but are back to producing again. String beans are doing well. As usual, my peppers are limping along, but the eggplant is doing well!
Today I pulled all the seeds out of those first 4 okra pods I let grow out - something I sometimes do with those Little Lucy pods, because they are always first to flower, so they can't be crossed.
This year's saved Little Lucy okra pods, 2024 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

All of the seeds from the 4 saved Little Lucy okra pods. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

About 2 tsp Little Lucy okra seeds, from 2024. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I only harvested a few more of the larger tomatoes, and one bottle gourd. Those snow melons are flowering, male and female blossoms, and the bumblebees already discovered them, so I won't have to hand pollinate them! Those bottle gourd plants hit a block, where all they were producing was female blossoms, so a couple of nights ago I cut every one of the blossoms out! That seems to have triggered something, as I saw a couple of each today.

I planted a few more sprouted cucumber seeds, and Kajari melon seeds - maybe get some in later September.

Larger tomatoes, 7-29 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A bottle gourd, about 10", 7-29 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
This morning I used approximately 1/2 inch of that first jalapeno I got from the garden. I removed the seeds and membranes. Sliced it and fried them along with some sweet onion, mushrooms to have with my eggs.

So hot I had to leave the last piece on the plate - couldn't finish it.
I had ordered some kind of long sweet pepper from baker's seeds, like thunder something. They are producing the most and first. I picked one yesterday, green, as sweet as any bell pepper.
3 okra, on the few plants we have. I should give them a quick slice and cook and add them to our tomato vegetable soup.
Cucumbers yesterday and today, giving some away and refrigerating some for pickling. I'll make some brine today and then I can make small batches of pickles as the cucumbers come in.
Our tomatoes are already suffering from yellow leaves on the bottom moving up-fungus from the soil, every year.

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