The Sick Room

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My uvula is sore... was I snoring to wake the dead last night?
Thought it would get better during the day, but nope. Water for pills was bad, coffee - was not a happy camper, but now my wine? this is completely unacceptable!
although I think the wine is numbing it a little bit... :-p

I used to do week long photoshoots of large car collections for one of my customers, where we would have a crew of 6 to 8 people. The company insisted on putting two people to a hotel room. I told them that I needed my own room, and they refused... the first time.

I snore like a chainsaw.

After the first night on the first collection shoot, I ALWAYS had my own hotel room. :ROFLMAO:

My uvula is sore... was I snoring to wake the dead last night?
Thought it would get better during the day, but nope. Water for pills was bad, coffee - was not a happy camper, but now my wine? this is completely unacceptable!
although I think the wine is numbing it a little bit... :-p

BTW, drink ice cold liquids after a night like that. It will shrink your sore, swollen uvula.

My wine is ice cold - maybe that's why it feels better.
So I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with snoring. Have no idea what - nothing else seems to be going on. Throat still plenty sore though.

I rarely get s stuffy nose, but when I do, and I breathe through my mouth all night, my uvula gets swollen and sore.

I've thought about that but I know when there have been times I've "mouth breathed" I will wake up with an extremely dry mouth. But it's never had an effect on y uvula. Certainly nothing like this. This morning I can pinpoint it is on the right side.
My doc is in on Weds so I'll stop in today(tues) and make an appointment. LOL, have to go past there on my way to the Y and it is much faster to walk in the door to make an appointment rather than try and get them on the phone.
I've thought about that but I know when there have been times I've "mouth breathed" I will wake up with an extremely dry mouth. But it's never had an effect on y uvula. Certainly nothing like this. This morning I can pinpoint it is on the right side.
My doc is in on Weds so I'll stop in today(tues) and make an appointment. LOL, have to go past there on my way to the Y and it is much faster to walk in the door to make an appointment rather than try and get them on the phone.

Wow, it still hurts? I've never had that problem for more than a few hours after waking up. Yeah, go see a doctor.

Spoke with my son, who has a gym at work and goes every lunch hour (no, he's not a trainer but probably could be). He said I, in all probability, strained it doing new and/or more strengthening exercises. Which I have. Just never expected it to affect my throat like that. The trainer at the gym confirmed it. Especially as I said, I can pinpoint it to the one side.
Go figure....
So, DL, you strained a muscle in or attached to your uvula?

Does go up lopsided when you pull it up now? Yeah, grab a flashlight and go look in a mirror. Well, only if you are curious.
ummm... considering that is very close to the gag reflex I think I will pass. The fact I can pinpoint to one side obviously means it is getting better/reducing and not affecting the whole uvula.
I'm happy with that conclusion.
ummm... considering that is very close to the gag reflex I think I will pass. The fact I can pinpoint to one side obviously means it is getting better/reducing and not affecting the whole uvula.
I'm happy with that conclusion.
Well, I wouldn't want you to have a gag reflex. I hadn't thought of that, because it doesn't do that to me. I'm glad that it seems to be getting better.
any soreness in the mouth or throat I'd mash up some blackberries or raspberries or strawberries in water with honey. Wine? Good Enough! :D
Extremely sensitive to backberries and raspberries but strawberries are great! I'll give it a try! Will have to go very lightly with the honey or just pass on it as also sensitive to that.
Thanks, sounds great.
Extremely sensitive to backberries and raspberries but strawberries are great! I'll give it a try! Will have to go very lightly with the honey or just pass on it as also sensitive to that.
Thanks, sounds great.
Curious what you mean by sensitive to honey. What kind of reaction do you have to it?
Hi all. I haven't written about this before because I'm just so busy, but my husband and my mom are both in the hospital - in different hospitals two hours apart, to be precise. She got dehydrated which exacerbated her OCD and apparently the high sodium caused some sort of psychosis. My brother flew down from Oak Park (near Chicago) to talk with the doctors and case manager about what to do next. Fortunately, my second cousin and his wife live across the street and they have been a great help.

Meanwhile, DH was hospitalized for 2 days for dehydration last week. After he got home, he hardly ate anything for five days and didn't drink enough, so he was weak and malnourished. Monday night, he fell in the bathroom and I couldn't get him up, so I called the paramedics and they took him to the hospital. He has some other issues, so he'll probably be there for a few more days. So I'm going to take the opportunity to go see my mom in the hospital about 2 hours west of here.

Meanwhile, my dog got an ear hematoma, so I had to take her to the vet on Monday. $600 later, I get to give her antibiotics and steroids for two weeks. Yay.

So my participation here will be spotty for a while.

Give your loved ones a hug every chance you get 💜
Took me ages to figure it out between mornings of constant debilitating belly aches after breakfast. Some mornings I had cereal and other mornings toast, with... honey.
Sugar in jams also do it. So the cereal was mostly the milk but I also loved 'Harvest Crunch' a cereal of grains, nuts and honey. Between the milk, nuts and honey - it was enough to put me out of commission for a good hour with the belly ache and sometimes longer.
Of course it later turned out I was having gall bladder attacks which gradually got worse over the years. Once removed, although still 'sensitive' I can eat a bit of honey & jams but I have to be careful.
Same with nuts, bananas and tomatoes - although after 40 years of not touching them I've added them back into my diet, I'm cautious. I still haven't touched an avocado since about 1978. those attacks were so violent my brain is scarred - and that was even after the bladder removal.

Peanut Butter (nut oils), wine (acidic), chocolate (sugars) I can eat/drink by the ton with no affects. Yet my friends mother was the opposite to me. She had her gall bladder removed about the same time as I and she could not tolerate Peanut Butter, wine or chocolate! but she could eat bananas - tomatoes, no problem. Go figure....
OMG, GG hugs for you and yours! Hopefully that's it, dog was number 3? you know the saying things happen in 3's. With all that's going on with DH and your Mom, please don't forget to take care of yourself too!

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