Our pets

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God, for some unknown reason, sent us a pregnant feral cat. She had her kittens in the workshop and we fed and raised them, getting their shots and vet exams. They all eventually left except for Timi. She has been with us for seven years and rules the house and yard. We are thinking of posting a sign on the fence "Timi's Domain" and the same sign by the front door.
dining room Timi.jpg
God, for some unknown reason, sent us a pregnant feral cat. She had her kittens in the workshop and we fed and raised them, getting their shots and vet exams. They all eventually left except for Timi. She has been with us for seven years and rules the house and yard. We are thinking of posting a sign on the fence "Timi's Domain" and the same sign by the front door.
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Animals don't just randomly show up in our lives. He chose you, and he's really lucky to have you!
So adorable! Nothing like kittens to liven up your life, tear the curtains, sleep in the cupboard, etc... LOL

So Ygritte is (probably) male, Osha is (probably) female, and the Mance is definitely either/or.
Yes! Game of Thrones! Osha and Ygritte are female and Mance is a male....we think. 😁 In the show, Wildlings are a people who were "wild..." Within 4 hours, Osha climbed our custom-made curtains faster than either of us could reach her. :ermm: They are 8 weeks old today.

Both of us said we could not get more kitties. We would not get more kitties. We were not ready for more kitties. No, it is too hard to lose them. Then...a former co-worker said, "Come seem my little rescued fosters." We went saying, "Nope, nope, no...but....two at the most if we did." Both of us saw and loved Osha. Frank loved Ygritte. I adored Mance, so I asked him if we should just take Ygritte and Mance. He responded, "We are NOT leaving Osha." So...we are now a family of five. Frank needs to apply for Pet-ernity.


Osha is bold. Ygritte is aggressive when playing. Mance is more laid-back. Ygritte and Mance love treats, but Osha loves chin scritches. All three loudly protest with the song of their people when we enclose them in the kitchen, which is MUCH bigger than the enclosure they had. :LOL:
oh boy, here's another post I made several hours ago - and never hit 'send'
Other than Mance, both the orange and the calico colouring are usually the sexes I named. Not exclusive but only why I said it! LOL

A female orange kitty? Very unusual, but not unheard of.
Calico's are usually female but not as exclusive as orange being male.

I never watched the TV series. I did, however, read the first two books when they came out in th late 90's. But then I saw it was going to turn into one of those 'never-ending' series and get politically complicated. So as much as I loved the first book.. never got any further. So the series never really interested me and by the time it became a run-a-way hit, I wasn't interested anymore.

Maybe one day I'll end up binge watching it.

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