Tax day (US) dinner, April 15, 2024

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Tovala meals. Bacon, Swiss cheese, caramelized onions chicken melt. Green beans with a honey mustard vinaigrette . Added some mashies since Craig likes his carbs.
Stir-steamed base of onions, eggplant, garlic, water chestnuts, mushrooms, until cooked through then add broccoli tree-lets and 3/4 inch cubes of 6 red/yellow/green peppers, steam to hot, then glaze with 1 cup cold water 2 T corn starch, onion powder, garlic powder, smoked paprika, frozen fresh ginger. Served on veggie brown basmati rice with stir fry sauce or just nu-salt and pepper.
I was going to make something in the Instant Pot today, but instead, I made a batch of yogurt in it (finishes in about an hour), and took a loaf of bread out of the freezer, to have some sandwiches with, which was good, since it was hot out today! That other thing I'll make when it gets cooler, which is soon.
Cooked up some ground beef with taco seasoning. Out of hopefully 3 meals guess I'm only getting 2. :whistling
Also slow cooked some chicken legs for a couple more meals this week.
Hoping to do out of freezer and fridge instant reheat meals this week.
What are "out of freezer and fridge instant reheat meals"?
Don't quite know how to answer that. Didn't want people to know I have a Robo Cook. She walks to the fridge or freezer, opens the door chooses the meal I specify, brings it to the micro wave or toaster oven, heats it to a desired temperature, brings it to my table where I sit waiting, flips a napkin on my lap and serves me.
All without me standing over a hot pan cooking as I already did it yesterday.

:whistling :flowers::flowers:
@GotGarlic Sure!
Start with your fresh pasta in two sheets for the ravioli. Then fill with very finely chopped cooked beef and cut the ravioli (I use a stamp).
The sauce is cream based. First you fry off chopped bacon, onion, garlic and mushrooms. Add cream and simmer until thickened. Touch of seasoning, small knob of butter.
Cook your ravioli, add to the sauce and serve. Sprinkle with quality parmigiano and eat!
It’s a bit of work, but delicious
@GotGarlic Sure!
Start with your fresh pasta in two sheets for the ravioli. Then fill with very finely chopped cooked beef and cut the ravioli (I use a stamp).
The sauce is cream based. First you fry off chopped bacon, onion, garlic and mushrooms. Add cream and simmer until thickened. Touch of seasoning, small knob of butter.
Cook your ravioli, add to the sauce and serve. Sprinkle with quality parmigiano and eat!
It’s a bit of work, but delicious
Sounds wonderful. I need to try making pasta one of these days.
Sounds wonderful. I need to try making pasta one of these days.
Well, you certainly could just use a store-bought beef ravioli. Not sure how it is where you live, but here the prepackaged ravioli is usually “beef and _____” etc. if you can find a simple beef ravioli that would see you through
Well, you certainly could just use a store-bought beef ravioli. Not sure how it is where you live, but here the prepackaged ravioli is usually “beef and _____” etc. if you can find a simple beef ravioli that would see you through
My husband keeps buying a fresh ravioli that's stuffed with chicken Parmesan lol There's probably a beef one, though. Thanks!
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