Old Bay Revisited

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I found an old thread on Old Bay Seasoning, but it was too old to reply to.

I just bought a jar of Old Bay at my favourite gourmet store yesterday. I have only had it on shrimp before but can't wait to try some of the ideas in that thread - french fries, seafood of all kinds, etc..

The Lady who owns the store said she uses it on chicken - anyone done this before? Any other ideas or tips on how to use it? I can't wait to experiment.

I guess it won't go very well in cake? :LOL:
Old Bay

Old Bay is yummy in both tuna and chicken salads. Crab cakes are yummy as are steamed crabs using Old Bay. I used to make a tasty pasta salad with shrimp, pasta, green onion, green peas, mayo and Old Bay.

I think a sprinkling of Old Bay would could be good in fried chicken, but may not be something I would want often.

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They use it for everything out here. Crabs in particular.
Old Bay is heavy in celery flavor and I'm not a big fan of celery but it is good in seafood. I use it with shrimp and also crab cakes.
I find it similar to KFC herbs and spices, except as noted by Andy that it has a strong celery flavor. It also has a bit of cayenne pepper in it. I tried it both with pork and chicken, as well as in whitefish chowder. It's all good. You might add a bit of lemmon pepper to it, or dried lemon peal. I think that would be a good flavor addition to an already great seasoning.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Thanks, everyone! I can't wait to try all of your suggestions. Though, Uncle Bob, I might have to try yours first! :whistling :)
OK, I don't know much about Old Bay, but I wanted to tell you that even if the thread is old there should be that little box you can click to post in it anyway.
Alix, I did that and wrote my reply and clicked to post it. A message came up that I couldn't post to the thread because it was 273 days old. I copied my reply and tried it twice to make sure I had clicked to post anyway and it happened again so I made this new one.
I tried it on some sauteed mushrooms tonight and was impressed. I find vegetables (and fungi) a good base to test different seasonings.
alix, i did that and wrote my reply and clicked to post it. A message came up that i couldn't post to the thread because it was 273 days old. I copied my reply and tried it twice to make sure i had clicked to post anyway and it happened again so i made this new one.

Just a wee bit on fried or scrambled eggs is not weird!!!:cool:
Anything to get me to eat eggs! I will eat them scrambled with a ton of things mixed in or as an omelet. Growing up I couldn't have ketchup due to a tomato allergy so my Mom poured soy sauce on them and I still do that. So I will definitely try the Old Bay!
Anything to get me to eat eggs! I will eat them scrambled with a ton of things mixed in or as an omelet. Growing up I couldn't have ketchup due to a tomato allergy so my Mom poured soy sauce on them and I still do that. So I will definitely try the Old Bay!

"Salting" your eggs with it will give you the proper amount....Then a few shots of Louisiana Hot Sauce or Tabasco..:chef:

Enjoy your "Chicken Fruit" :ermm:

Old Bay Wings

Take chicken wings and cut into 3 pieces, discarding the wing tip.

Toss the wings in some olive oil and bake on a baking sheet at 425 F until cooked and crisp.

Toss the cooked wings with some melted butter and season with old bay.

Enjoy!!!!!! :chef:
For lunch today I made shrimp & tuna salad sandwiches with Old Bay. Mmmmmm, best sandwich I have tasted in awhile!

Thanks for all the ideas. By the time I get through them all I will have used my whole jar! ;) But I will enjoy every bite!
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