I'll never buy tortillas again

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Senior Cook
Nov 26, 2007
Cape Town,South Africa
Now that I know how easy it is to make ! Made these wholewheat tortillas last night - they may look a bit "burnt" (must still practice a bit) but they tasted great. Much nicer (and cheaper) than store bought ones!


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I coulden't agree more. It took some doinf to get my flour Tortilla recipe right. Now that I have it, it is way easier to make them.

Also, as has been pointed out on this site, you need not make more than you need.

Thanks Pacanis - I'm quite proud of myself as I'm not exactly gifted when it comes to making anything involving dough. Might now even attempt to make that NYT bread I keep hearing about.
tanya Your table look very inviting

Adillio303- I tried to make flour ones a couple of times and just not happy with them
Please share your recipe
Very cool Tanya! I saw a recipe for fish tacoes in a magazine recently that said to make your own tortillas and then gave the directions. I haven't had the guts to try it but your success might just push me to it!
I like the way you can pick up a tortilla and circle around the table from filling to filling.
I was picturing my virtual self doing just that. :LOL:
Thanks Pacanis - I'm quite proud of myself as I'm not exactly gifted when it comes to making anything involving dough. Might now even attempt to make that NYT bread I keep hearing about.

Looks good , Tanya! You can do the NYT bread... it is quite forgiving.
I don't think those look burnt at all - they look exactly the way I've always seen homemade tortillas look. What a good job - now you've given me hope that perhaps I can make them myself - lol!!

Question - did you use a tortilla press?
Thanks - believe me if I can make it anyone can. No I didn't use a tortilla press - I don't think you even get tortilla presses in South Africa:) DH was my tortilla press :LOL:
You might be able to improve a quick tortilla press is you have any pie plates. Invert one, and lay some plastic over it. Then, layer the second pie plate with plastic, but right side up. This way the plate provides the flat, even pressure, while the plastic keeps the dough from sticking to the plates.
Flour tortillas question

I was reading several packages of flour tortillas in the supermarket recently. None say anything about if you have to heat them up or just eat them out of the package with various goodies.

Please don't think that I'm just pulling your leg. I've never eaten any flour tortillas except in Mexican restaurants. They usually come wrapped up to keep them warm. Do you have to heat them up? Does it improve the taste?
What's the best way to heat flour tortillas up?

Thanks in advance.

Nothing says you HAVE to eat tortillas warm.

Anyway, I've heated them two ways: 1) lightly wrapped in foil in a 325-degree oven for about 15-20 minutes, & 2) lightly wrapped in slightly damp paper towels in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds. In both instances check them midway to see how they're doing.
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I didn't think they looked burnt either, I thought they were darker from the whole wheat. :) My Mexican friend Adalia whips up homemade tortillas all the time, then her and her mom have amazing fillings for them. (they keep telling me EAT! EAT! Mexican food is not fattening!) hahaha - yeah right. :)

Anyway, thought I'd tell you your tortillas look great! And all the fillings to go in them!
Now that I know how easy it is to make ! Made these wholewheat tortillas last night - they may look a bit "burnt" (must still practice a bit) but they tasted great. Much nicer (and cheaper) than store bought ones!

Hi Tanya,

They look great! Is there any chance you could share your recipe? If not I'm sure I could easily find one, but I like the idea of a TNT one IYKWIM ;).

They look great! Keep cooking!

Two questions for the group:

I must be a dummy, but what is NYT bread? I've been baking for years. Haven't heard of it.

How can a flour tortilla be modified to cut down on the carbs? 25g for one is way too much.
if you want a quick treat. butter a side of flour tortilla and heat butter side down, turn over, butter, sprinkle cinnamon sugar on it . warm til starts to melt a little. with milk is yummy.i once made apricot burroites (spell check not working) put apricot pie filling along one edge. roll up pretty tight, fry til golden and sprinkle with powdered sugar. used to make the tortillias for my son-in-law, he is no longer my son-in-law.lol. also made salsa but they ate it faster than i could make it.
They look great! Keep cooking!

Two questions for the group:

I must be a dummy, but what is NYT bread? I've been baking for years. Haven't heard of it.

How can a flour tortilla be modified to cut down on the carbs? 25g for one is way too much.

Hi, Dave. NYT bread is a recipe for no-knead bread that was printed in the New York Times a couple of years ago. There's a huge thread on it here: http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f23/ny-times-bread-recipe-what-fun-28893.html?highlight=new+york+times+bread HTH.
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