I've got lilies!!!!!

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Chef Extraordinaire
Nov 6, 2007
Finally!!! A month late!!! All of a sudden today these popped open.

I can't wait til the ones around the tree start to open... :cool:


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it's been below normal here since January.
Everything everywhere is behind...... I may get tomatoes by october. :)
They are called Asian lilies. You can leave them on the ground during winter, just cover them up...I haven't tried growing them without covering them up for winter...Here are mine. I took them inside for a photoshoot then bring them back to the deck. They are very hardy plants and very invasive later on so I keep them on check in pots.

Beautiful Lilies as well as Kristina - so darn cute !

Thanks! I'll keep her... oh and lego girl too! :LOL:
I think the ones by the tree are all different colors, I think I see some darker ones in there. I like the blackish purple ones.
I thinkj the lillies on our pond should be open today, If they are, I will try to get a pic. Nice lillies suzie, only outshown by your beautiful daughter.

Beautiful lilies!! Is that Lego Girl?? If so better watch the flowers to make sure none go missing... ;)

yep that's her... looks like she's looking for something to get into doesn't it?
She already popped 2 buds off it last week....
She's not allowed outside without me until the rest are done blooming!!!:mad:
Something has eaten the buds off the tops of the shorter ones there already. Rabbits? I would think they are too tall for rabbits..... or deer?
I dunno. But they better stop eating my Lilies!!!!
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