Two thumbs up for a new Hardee's burger!!

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
I've never been much on fast food. Largely because those types of places didn't exist when I was growing up. The best (and very few) we had here were a Dairy Queen here and there and an occasional A&W Root Beer stand as we made our annual trek north for summer vacation. As a result, I never got in the habit of eating at places like McDonald's, Burger King, etc.

When Glenn and I do stop for some quick eats, we usually stop at Hardee's. We've discovered that they are almost always clean, have friendly and efficient staff and the food can almost always be counted on to be fresh and hot.

Yesterday on our way home after a doctor's appointment, we stopped at a Hardee's we like. I saw a placard near the register that advertised a new Tex Mex burger. We both like that type of food so we ordered one of their new Tex Mex Bacon Thickburgers.

Wow! Delicious.

First, they had me at "bacon." And, yes, there were at least 3 good-sized slices on this baby, along with the usual suspects: lettuce and tomato. That's where the similarity to average ended.

The meat was topped with a goodly amount of pepper-jack cheese, slabs of roasted red bell pepper, chunks of jalapeno peppers and, finally, lightly sauteed onions. Great combination of flavors and it was a very attractive-looking sandwich. tasted as good as it looked.

I think Hardee's has a winner here.
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:yum: Hardee's is our favorite fast food place, and we've liked pretty much anything we've had there. Will definitely have to try the TexMex burger.
I've never eaten at a Hardee's, never seen one around Colorado. :(

I like Sonic (jalape�ño double cheesburger, green chili burger are my faves, with Tots instead of fries) if I can just sit and eat, but when I'm trying to get from here to there, I can get a Quarter Pounder or a double cheesburger and eat it with one hand while I drive, so I still do Mickey D's when I just want a quick hit, then back on the road.
I think Carl's Jr. is the Hardee's equivalent out west.
I think Carl's Jr. is the Hardee's equivalent out west.

Yes, it is, and the menu is pretty much the same.

I walked into Carl's Jr. one night and the counter person asked me what I would like. I responded "My car is filthy. Which burger do I have to order to get Paris Hilton to wash it?" Without batting an eye, he responded "That's the Spicy BBQ six dollar burger. It isn't on the menu any more."
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I remember Hardee's before it was bought by Carl's Jr, it's definitely improved since being bought out. They have kept a few favorites I believe, but overall it's much improved!

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