Dinner April 26, 2014. What will it be?

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That sounds yummy Aunt Bea. Is it slices of meatloaf or you actually make meatloaf into patties and bake them?

It is a standard clean out the fridge American mom style meatloaf formed into patties and baked for 25 to 30 minutes at 375 degrees F. I usually freeze a few for a fast meal when I don't feel like cooking.
Day 2 of 4: Meatballs, quinoa, and peas... And, a little later, a bowl of chicken soup with fresh squeezed lemon.
Found some chicken thighs in the freezer so had two of them roasted with mashed potatoes, carrots, steamed white cabbage and leeks in cream sauce. In a fit of economy I cook more thighs at the same time as today's dinner ones so I can make sandwiches tomorrow.

No pudding as I was ever so slightly full!

What a great idea, give it a try, Pac!

(BTW, the recipe sounds really good)

Where do you think he got the recipe?
I posted it in the gnocchi thread. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

File photo ;)


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A friend took me out for prime rib. Instead of a potato, I ordered double salad, dressed with oil and vinegar. The PR was excellent.
:ROFLMAO: My niece, when she was 2, had a (female) baby doll she called Mr. Baby. Mr. Baby was also found in some strange places, including the microwave and the fridge. He/she never made it to the CP though.

At dinner time she looked down at it with a solemn expression and said, "Sorry for melting my baby, Mama." Of course it wasn't on or anywhere near an outlet, but she looked very serious so I had to double check jic!

Anyway, we took our walk to the market but it was getting late, so I ordered shawarma from their hot counter instead. We ate ice cream on the walk home and shared the shawarma, some olives and the last couple clementines when we got back. I don't mind doing things backward from time to time. :)

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'Bout had our fill of the 500 things one can do with leftover Easter ham, so I went a completely different direction.

Tried a recipe I saw at the doctor's office in an issue of Woman's Day magazine. Definitely a keeper.

We had Roasted Salmon with Green Beans and Tomatoes, fresh corn-on-the-cob, iced tea and a strawberry pie I made from a recipe my brother sent me. It's kind of a take on Russian creme using strawberries and done in a baked pie shell. Really good, too. Light and not too filling.
Tonight is linguine with sauteed garlic, red bell pepper, and asparagus in a chicken broth/white wine sauce. Served with Parmigiano Reggiano, of course!
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TB decided he wants mac and cheese and a hot dog. Now this normally simple meal is made a little complicated when you are trying to feed someone who is intolerant to gluten, dairy, soy and a bunch of other things.

But he seems to like my version made with gluten free pasta, his version of cheese like product (today a mixture of "cheddar" and "mozza"), palm oil margarine and a little bit of coconut milk (not enough to taste, but makes it creamy). He likes it! As for the hot dog, Costco sells Polish dogs that are gluten, dairy and soy free and again he loves them.

I am having Kraft Dinner Deluxe, Velveeta and shells. I do a lot of gluten free, but pasta is one thing that I can't do - has to be regular or I can't swallow it. I would make myself a home made with my Balderson's 2 year old white cheddar, but I am not feeling up to making two scratch pastas.
Creamy White Chicken Chili is simmering on the stove here. It's turned out extra good since I started adding some evaporated milk mixed with Masa Harina to the regular ingredients. Shredded jack cheese and cilantro will be the toppers, with toasted flour tortillas on the side. Ole'
We had real food tonight. We ordered from Mr. Falafel - one chicken platter and one falafel platter, deelicous. I have no motivation, but Stirling said he will probably be willing to make Margaritas later. That will be our dessert. We're kinda full right now.
Take out is real food? I'm so confused, lol.

I thought cooking was real food here.
TB decided he wants mac and cheese and a hot dog. Now this normally simple meal is made a little complicated when you are trying to feed someone who is intolerant to gluten, dairy, soy and a bunch of other things...

...I would make myself a home made with my Balderson's 2 year old white cheddar, but I am not feeling up to making two scratch pastas.

Have you tried any of the butternut squash cheese sauce recipes on him? Of course you's have to still use some of his "cheese" but it might be interesting to try out.

I hope Chief LW doesn't see your post about Balderson. It will set him to longing. I'm pretty sure he still hasn't found a place to get his fix since his last source failed him.

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Creamy White Chicken Chili is simmering on the stove here. It's turned out extra good since I started adding some evaporated milk mixed with Masa Harina to the regular ingredients. Shredded jack cheese and cilantro will be the toppers, with toasted flour tortillas on the side. Ole'

I'll have to give my daughter your tip, Kayelle. She just made white chicken chili tonight, it's one of their family faves. We love it - yours sounds over the top yummy. :yum:
I'll have to give my daughter your tip, Kayelle. She just made white chicken chili tonight, it's one of their family faves. We love it - yours sounds over the top yummy. :yum:

I think both of you will love the combo Cheryl. I add one part of Masa Harrina mixed with three or four parts evaporated milk at the end of cooking, and simmer enough to thicken nicely. Honestly, it makes all the difference in the world with Chicken Chili! :zorro:
Take out is real food? I'm so confused, lol.

I thought cooking was real food here.
I guess I should have written "a real meal". I'm just not up for cooking and neither is Stirling.

On the other hand, the stuff that Mr. Falafel delivers is real food. I agree, most take out and delivery isn't "real food".

Stirling made the Margaritas.
And now I'm having my second one. :ermm: :pig:
Thank you Katie H...I saved that salmon recipe for when my green beans and cherry tomatoes come on (months away....sigh....).

It was a long day at work, so breakfast sounded good. Eggs in a Nest...a nice whole grain bread, fresh farm eggs and sharp cheddar. A slice of Cyrus O'Leary's Turtle Cheesecake later.

It was filling, but I find myself wanting chicken chili :yum:.

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