Who are professional chefs here? Who are just cooking junkies?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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i love to cook and bake. like to try new things. i cook for family and friends and myself. wouldn't to do it on a have to do it basis, by being a chef. i like the title"family cook" to much.
I could never be paid enough to cook if I wasn't hungry, so I wouldn't even want to be a pro. I also would never want to cook something I wouldn't like to eat myself. I love cooking for my family and friends though, and have been doing it a very long time.
Your are quite right Kayelle. You could never be paid enough, but what you receive in return sometimes is worth more than the money.
I owned a small gourmet Italian restaurant, and I cooked for 12 years. I limited my seating to 20 people and never turned tables over. I closed it in 2001 and some of our former guests-friends are still in touch with me.
It was like having family coming to dinner, because I never served what I would not eat.
Incidentally, I never attended any Culinary schools. Franca's Italian Dining, was rated one of the four best Restaurant in the State of Wyoming, according to the Wine Spectator.
Passion is never a wasted effort.


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And just so you know, it is said of Navy cooks, that they are sent to cooking schools where they become experts at ruining perfectly good food. So when he's home, give him something good. I spent too many months aboard aircraft carriers myself, and ate some reasonable food, but too often, some very bad food while deployed at sea.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

I'm a cooking junkie alas awash in a sea of boxed food and fast food junkies. What I wouldn't give to be able to regularly cook for folks who appreciate real food. Most of the folks I cook for think butter tastes funny so why not just use country crock.....sigh....

Goodweed, when I was in the Navy I once made a crack about the cake that was made for a retirement party. I called it a cornbread cake, and why was that the only kind of cake that Navy cooks could make. Turns out the stranger in the room was the cook, of the Chief petty officer variety. Open mouth, insert foot.
Incidentally, I never attended any Culinary schools. Franca's Italian Dining, was rated one of the four best Restaurant in the State of Wyoming, according to the Wine Spectator.
Passion is never a wasted effort.

Where in Wyoming, Franca? I grew up in Laramie, so I know it wasn't there or I would have been there at least once a week.
Non-professional food enthusiast.

philso: I love your sig. It is absolutely true. A friend once told me how good the cooking wine has to be: "The cooking wine has to be good enough for the cook to enjoy while cooking."
junkie here! (and newbie to site)
I am not creative in making my own recipes,.... and I follow them! But i'm really good at pretty much everything I make, and really enjoy finding new things to make from other people's recipes! (this past year- a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake was the most made recipe by request of family, friends and extended family... i think i can now make it in my sleep.. after making at least 10 of them!) looking for new things to try, new tips to use and just talking to people who love cooking as much as I do!
junkie here! (and newbie to site)
I am not creative in making my own recipes,.... and I follow them! But i'm really good at pretty much everything I make, and really enjoy finding new things to make from other people's recipes! (this past year- a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake was the most made recipe by request of family, friends and extended family... i think i can now make it in my sleep.. after making at least 10 of them!) looking for new things to try, new tips to use and just talking to people who love cooking as much as I do!

Welcome to DC...we hope you enjoy eating too!:)
Ha... i used to.. way too much! After weight loss surgery, I still do, but just cant as much! perhaps now I just appreciate every bite more! :)

Whoops! Foot in mouth disease!:LOL: Well, some of us are in the same boat, so we spend a bit of time just reading recipes and dreaming. Very happy for you to join us! And there are very good ideas around here for cutting back. Again, Welcome!:)
Non-pro here. I work at a restaurant, but as a server, not in the kitchen. (The guys still get a little suspicious every time I ask to borrow a real knife to cut lemons instead of using the bar's silly little serrated piece of scrap metal.) I love experimenting and trying out new things (I never can seem to leave a recipe alone) but with a husband who works full time and is a full time student, myself working outside of the home, and a rambunctious 14-month-old who doesn't walk, only runs, I don't get to let loose as often as I'd like. I still cook daily, I just don't often have time for some of the things I'd like to do. If I didn't cook healthy food for myself and my family, we'd never survive our crazy schedule. I'd probably cook even more if I had an electric dishwasher, but for now I'll just deal with doing it the old-fashioned way. If nothing else, in a few more years, I'll have grown and trained myself a dishwasher. :)

My lack of time to experiment at home often surfaces at other times. On the rare occasions I order food at work I'm always asking "Oh, but could you try switching this for that, or adding a bit of such-and-such?" Thankfully, if you're nice to the boys, they're nice back. I learned the basics, as well as my passion for experimenting from my dear Papa (GWNorth), and have received added inspiration and knowledge from friends, family, and the restaurants I've worked at. When I'm not busy at work sometimes I just watch the guys, trying to pick up new techniques and ideas. I also finally realized in the past couple years that using a recipe doesn't make you lazy or uncreative; it makes you smart enough to learn from your predecessors.
I am into food. Have been gardening organically since 1976, love to cook and bake, have an associates degree in dietetics, love to read cookbooks and create recipes based on what foodstuffs I have. I have raised dairy goats for decades and make cheese, ice cream, yogurt, buttermilk, etc. Like I said, I am into food..

great minds think alike :) my Pap showed me the !! of a fresh scallion, a fried or fresh tomato; sprinkle of salt & very delicate pepper, buttered bread, that's lunch! i've delved into reading into various items, cheeses & that. also i'm pursuing being a dietician, too!
I became a certified cook in '94. I never learned my chops from an institute. I apprenticed for years in kitchens and then wrote my exam with the Provincial Board of Trades. I had been cooking for a while by then and was operating my own restaurant at the time, so I was just curious if I could achieve it. I'm basically a self taught hash slinger...
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God forbid I get a bigger kitchen I'd have to go out and spend major bucks on stuff to fill it. It's just my nature and I've got a wish list a mile long.

OK who am I kidding, I'd give my husband's left arm to have one twice as big.

Yeah, My fiancee and I have a huge stack in the basement and in her room in her parents house of kitchen appliances for when we move out and every house we look at, the first thing she shows me is the picture of the kitchen. She want's to make sure we have a big enough one for me to be comfortable in. lol! :chef:
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