What's the last movie you watched?

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Anyone for movie trivia ? James Arness. He played the vegetable monster in the sci-fi classic "The thing From Another World. 1951. He went on as the lead in the TV series Gunsmoke. He actually is listed as one of the players in a 1940 movie.
Anyone for movie trivia ? James Arness. He played the vegetable monster in the sci-fi classic "The thing From Another World. 1951. He went on as the lead in the TV series Gunsmoke. He actually is listed as one of the players in a 1940 movie.

He was also the brother of Peter Graves from Mission Impossible.
Well last night on PBS POV was on and I got to look at an award winning documentary called "The last Men In Aleppo" which you can also view online for free. This one must have been cut down to fit in a 90 minute window, but still was just as amazing.

Last Men in Aleppo | POV | PBS

A look at the lives of people called "The White Hats". The documentary is heartbreaking and uplifting looking at these people going from war scene to war scene looking for survivors in all the rubble.

At times this is like hard to watch, but must see at the same time.

I was fully drawn into the lives of these people.

The Documentary is fully English subtitled. Would have liked a bit larger font at the start and end of the documentary though.

I give this documentary a big thumbs up.
Every year in the month of July I watch one of my SCROOGE movies. This time I watched the one with George C. Scott. I think I have a copy of most of those made. I love them all.
Cold Mountain was recently added to Netflix. I love that movie and Ruby Thewes, Renee Zellweger's character. I'll be watching it again later today.

'If you want to get three feet up a bull's ass, listen to what sweethearts whisper to each other." Ruby Thewes

"Every piece of this is man's ********. They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say '****, it's raining!" Ruby Thewes Autocensored by directcooking.com


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We went to see "Dunkirk" today.

What a lot of hoopla it's had, and what a disappointment it is! The story telling just wasn't there. It's an inspiring true story every Brit knows, but many American's don't and the mark was sure missed. SC really enjoyed all the action, especially with all the WW11 planes, but the lack of dialog and story line fell flat. Bummer.
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We went to see "Dunkirk" today.

What a lot of hoopla it's had, and what a disappointment it is! The story telling just wasn't there. It's an inspiring true story every Brit knows, but many American's don't and the mark was sure missed. SC really enjoyed all the action, especially with all the WW11 planes, but the lack of dialog and story line fell flat. Bummer.

What a bummer. I was so looking forward to seeing it. My first husband was there and almost drowned being rescued. He told me about some of it, but like most military personnel, they don't talk about war. Any war they may have been in.
I was sure all set to be inspired, as I was familiar with the story. If your husband was actually there, I'd certainly go see it Addie.
Here's some background for those who don't know about Dunkirk. It's not so surprising that many Americans don't know the story, as it was before American involvement in the war.
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I was sure all set to be inspired, as I was familiar with the story. If your husband was actually there, I'd certainly go see it Addie.
Here's some background for those who don't know about Dunkirk. It's not so surprising that many Americans don't know the story, as it was before American involvement in the war.

Thank you Kayelle. My husband had been hiding in the cellar of a French Resistance family. They had previous word that the English were going to issue an order for their soldiers and others to be rescued. At first they were going to send only the Navy. But the Resistance radioed England about how many soldiers had become stranded. That is when Churchill sent out the order for ALL boats, regardless of size or purpose to get across the channel and help in the rescue operation. The children in the family were told to play outside near the door, but to keep an eye on the channel. When they saw all the boats coming, they notified their family. That is when my husband came up from the cellar and headed for the coast. The family gave him two bottles of wine. He was up to his neck in the water and was determined he was NOT GOING TO LOSE THOSE TWO BOTTLES. He almost drowned trying to get into a rescue boat while holding on to those bottles. Someone managed to get him in the boat. And he brought the wine back to England with him.

He later was sent back into battle in India. He was captured, escaped, got back to England and sent back into battle. Captured again, back to England. This time he was assigned to being a messenger on a bicycle around London. To send him back, if the Germans found out that he had been captured and escaped twice, they would have shot him on the spot.

He never said a word of what it was like in battle. Just that he did kill some Germans. That was all he would say.
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