What's for Dinner Thursday December 24th

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Well, we had tonight's pizza last night and won't be going out for dinner which is the usual tradition, so I was stuck for something to make for Dad and I.

Then it came to me, good old comfort food. We are having hot beef sandwiches and french fries! It will be easy to do as I am making the tourtiere and starting the dessert for tomorrow.

What's everyone else having tonight?
and here I thought it was the 24th...
Swedish Meatballs with cream gravy, potatoes
May try and find or make Tom and Jerry batter for after church.
tonight the 24th fish

tomorrow the 25th, standing rib roast, yorkshire pudding, port and Stilton gravy, roasted root veg.

actually an incredibly simple menu to do.

happy holidays all!
Having Christmas Dinner tonight with my grandchildren. Baked Ham, Baked Mac-N-Cheese, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Lemon Pepper Green Beans, Steamed Cauliflower and Yeast Rolls. Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake w/Cream Cheese Frosting and Ice Cream.
Friday will be leftovers.
Just finished making the Tom & Jerry batter, so tempted to try it out!!
Tonight is our big deal and I'm in the midst of getting things ready. Time to start one the meat and cheese tray with olives,peppers,pickles,the works:LOL:
I won't list it all you'd have eye strain from reading:LOL: Everyone enjoy your evening and if there are small children, watch,listen, their shreiks of joy will make all the baking,cooking,shopping worth more than anything...I can't wait til mine get here and I can get all the hugs and kisses. Presents, don't need em after that. Happy Holidays
Nope, whipped egg whites, then beat yolks with powdered sugar, softened butter. Fold all together. Spices: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice. Have it in the freezer. Will use a tablespoon or two of that with rum/brandy (gran marnier), boiling water to make each drink.
Nothing special. Hubby will probably have leftover corned beef and cabbage and I will have a sandwich or cereal.
Red Wine, Red Wine, Red Wine......
Fried Ersters, Fried Ersters, Fried Ersters,
Christmas Candy!! Home made Millionaires!!
Ahmmm... Maybe just a tad of Chocolate Ice Cream later....;)
my Mom's (or maybe my Dad is) cooking chili & they got me vino.
staying with them tonite.
Tonight my son is cooking at the restaurant so we will go there and he'll cook some good Japanese food for us after church. Tomorrow's pizza is made and in the frige. The peanut butter balls are done and the snickerdoodles and Granma B cookies are made. All that's left is the clean up but I had to take a break and eat something. So I made a roast beef sandwich with some sweet tea. Now I'll have the energy to do the dishes. Merry Christmas Eve everyone.
I am making a from scratch Chicago deep dish pizza, plus I've already made a cookie and candy tray for Christmas.
We finished the last of our holiday baking (a NY style cheesecake and paklava) for Christmas at my sister's home tomorrow. We went out for a late lunch at an Italian restaurant (unfortunate choice) and will be having wine and appetizers at a neighbor's home later.
Home made Pizzas w/champagne. They'll start coming out of the oven about 8 PM - it's our turn to host the neighborhood holiday bash :)
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