What's for dinner on Sunday? (14th January 2024)

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
I am trying out a few new recipes at the moment, so today it was multiseed soft flatbreads, topped with whipped feta, topped with roasted, rose harissa marinated chicken and cauliflower, with baby spinach and rocket, drizzled with rose harissa and mint yoghurt.

Rose Harissa Flatbreads.jpg
Bone in pork shoulder was on sale for $0.99 a pound a few weeks ago. I broke it down and got a couple of big pieces, plus a couple of quart bags of chunks.

I thawed 1 of the whole pieces, put an Asian cure on it, with a few drops of liquid smoke added, wrapped it in a banana leaf, then foil, then roasted until it hit 210 F. Shredded it, pickled some cucumbers and red onion, made bao for sandwiches with some hoisin and sriracha.
Bone in pork shoulder was on sale for $0.99 a pound a few weeks ago. I broke it down and got a couple of big pieces, plus a couple of quart bags of chunks.

I thawed 1 of the whole pieces, put an Asian cure on it, with a few drops of liquid smoke added, wrapped it in a banana leaf, then foil, then roasted until it hit 210 F. Shredded it, pickled some cucumbers and red onion, made bao for sandwiches with some hoisin and sriracha.
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That looks yummy. What is bao, the buns?
I made pad thai using a Blue Dragon kit. The kit said to use 400 grams of chicken breast, shrimp, or tofu. I used about 250 grams of chicken (one skinless, boneless breast) and a couple of eggs. I also added bean sprouts and julienned carrot. It was pretty good. It was sweeter than I prefer. I will definitely try making pad thai again, but I won't bother with the kit or even the pre-made sauce. It was still pretty good food.
Pad Thai using a Blue Dragon kit.jpg
The filet mignon burgers with bacon and cheese were wonderful, but I did my crinkle fries in the air fryer and won't do that again. They had the texture of cardboard and just didn't have a good mouthfeel in general. I don't need to worry about the calories or anything, I just didn't want to waste a bunch of oil on 2 servings of fries. It had been so long since I used the air fryer to do anything but reheat I had forgotten that I didn't like fries in it.
Well, I had neither pancakes nor a tuna melt. I opened the can of tuna (packed in oil) and found a solid mass of oil mixed with the tuna because of the cold. As in, it couldn't be drained as was. So since I had two slices of bread out, I decided to have French toast for supper.
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