What's cooking Monday February 1, 2010?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I have been up all night again. I need coffee!! LOL Not sure what I will be eating today.

What about you?
We've been prepping Moms house to move her (pray it happens today or tomorrow folks I need some extra prayers please) and yesterday I tossed a turkey in the oven. Today we are ordering out. Chinese I think. And my older sister is going to make a fabulous spinach salad to go with.
Some Thai style stir fry with baby bok choy and probably chicken.
And some potstickers!
Steamed cabbage, carrots, and the leftover Pork and Navy Bean soup from Saturday.
huluski if i get a cabbage/noodles.
or leftover meatloaf sammiches & kep-utch, 1 of my most beloved foods. :)
Black Beans and Rice. Tomorrow is grocery day so the cupboard's running empty.
for Pete's sake jake woke & babied a stomachache since like 6 this morning, now he is hungry & meatloaf is too much, he doesn't know if he likes haluski, & wants atrias.
in the past week we have eaten almost 4 pounds of meatloaf,:) the slabs toasted in a CI skillet, with a side of sweet potatoes

today I prepped for pizza tomorrow; shredded the last of my home made mozzarella, started the no knead crust, cubed some venison summer sausage...we are having friends over..
Pizza! I'm a total pizza addict, so it's at least once every ten days or so. I had half a box or so of shrooms heading south, so today's pizza was cheese (Romano, Parmesan, mozzarella and Swiss), green pepper, mushroom, pepperoni, and olives (black&green)...heavy on the mushroom.
I had a busy day with little time left for cooking, so I raided the pantry and put together what I call Pasta Putanesca al Tonno. The hardest part was opening 3 cans with a crummy can opener. :neutral:
Pansit Bihon

I made a roasted leg of lamb and some stove top roasted potatoes and carrots( the best potatoes ever) which was wonderful, except for the fact that my wife and daughter did not like the lamb. I myself had seconds
What is huluski? I love cabbbage and noodles.

i wrote that improperly, my oops, that's "haluski" instead of "huluski".....
very common in pgh, my Dad raised me on his. his is cooked wide egg-noodles, sliced cabbage, wht. onion, & butter galore, pepper. just let that cook together.
there's other noodle types people use & also recipes for dumplings instead of noodle.
we make simple 'ol cabbage/noodles.
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