What is your weather like right now?

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Yes, it's beautiful, as long as you don't have to drive in it :ermm: I grew up in MI and it's fun when you're a kid, but it can be terrifying to drive in.

Yeap, when we get any kind of white persiptation now days, it's ice. That is not fun. Texans have trouble on water, much less ice:LOL:
We went to W. Virginia { Camden On Gauley}, one year for Thanksgiving, my husband was doing about 40 on the winding roads and people were passing him honking at about 50:ohmy:
White "stuff" is coming down but not laying yet. I'm sure that will change later tonight. I just hope it doesn't all ice over first 'cause I really like my power ON! :LOL:
That is so beautiful!! I envy all of you that get snow every year.

I admit it's nice to get a seasonal change..... sometimes.
And where would us notherners be without something to gripe about 4 months out of the year? :LOL:
Here's another shot from earlier this season. The snow was melting, yay :)
This one's a little "prettier". It never changed shades of gray today.... :(


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It was 3 degrees when we got up this morning. It's up to 9 now, and sunny. The birds are swarming the bird-feeder, and I put some old nuts and stale bread for the squirrels.
52F and grey but the rain stopped for a bit!

Edited to add, it started raining right after I typed this and hasn't stopped! Soooooooo sick of rain.... :(
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We have been having sunny weather during this cold snap. This morning, we woke to -37 C which is about -35 F. Mighty cold. No snow, but the sun was dimmed for most of the morning by ice fog. Very little humidity, but whatever there was formed ice fog. Lovely to see the sun, though I prefer it at -20, which is cold and crisp. We got up to -22, and the grandkids got out to play in the snow for an hour.
Lately it has gotten as low as the low 20s, but not usually until 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. Right now (9:10 p.m.) it is 17 degrees F, and it is supposed to get a lot colder.

Can you believe it stopped raining!!!? It's currently 51F and the usual shade of grey.

I'm going to go completely nuts soon if the sun doesn't shine.....
We are getting more snow today, :( another 4 to 6 inches on top of all we have aready.The temperature is 5 above zero. It would be so nice to see the sun and a nice blue sky. The man on the radio just said that we are getting lots more snow on Wednesday and the temperature we be about 13 below zero.:mad:
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