What do New Yorker's call sandwiches

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Jun 6, 2013
Southern Illinois
so if you go to NYC and ask a local where a good place to get a sandwich they will tell you go to a grocery store get a loaf of bread and lunchmeat and make it yourself.

heros, hoagies, subs, melts and other products of that nature, if you call them sandwiches referring to thier masterpieces they will probabbly give you a knuckle sandwhiches.

so what do you call that genre of food items without offending them? i have a few questions in mind that targets NYC culinary artists crowd.
I've always referred to them as " Heros" until I went to school in Philly, where they were called " Hoagies". hero on a hero roll, but if sliced bread, then sandwich. At least in my area of NY
Slightly off the subject, this is a photo of Carmen's in the Reading Market in Philadelphia, where we got the best Philly Cheese Steaks. The man in the photo was hilarious with his patter while taking the orders
so if you go to NYC and ask a local where a good place to get a sandwich they will tell you go to a grocery store get a loaf of bread and lunchmeat and make it yourself.

heros, hoagies, subs, melts and other products of that nature, if you call them sandwiches referring to thier masterpieces they will probabbly give you a knuckle sandwhiches.

so what do you call that genre of food items without offending them? i have a few questions in mind that targets NYC culinary artists crowd.

If it goes between two pieces of bread it's a sandwich, and I don't care where you are from. If that offends someone then they really need to get away from the neighborhood and see more of the world. Just because it's a hero in one locale and a sub in another, and a poor boy in a third, that doesn't mean that they aren't still all sandwiches.
Don't forget "Grinder". We have a large Cuban population, they have added the Cubano and Media Noche.
What Andy said.

I'm in NYC all the time and have no problem finding decent sandwiches. And they do call them that.
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A sandwich at Katz is like 3 ordinary sandwiches. 6 inches tall.

Just my humble opinion, but a structure that you can't get your mouth around isn't really a sandwich. The whole reason that the sandwich was invented was for portability. If it's not portable or relatively easy to eat, then it's not a "classic" style of sandwich.
I was going to say, although being a vegetarian, I've never eaten a Katz's Sandwich being crazy stacked. Not sure if its worth the price, but definitely on the larger size as far as sandwiches go. And yeah, its NYC, the price doesn't shock me at all.


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Russ and Daughters is next door!!!!

And the Doughnut Plant is only a few blocks away... And then there's Schillers Liquor Bar

One of my favorite parts of the city!
Katz gets $15 for a Bologna sandwich? :ROFLMAO: I'm guessing Joe Blow doesn't eat there, only tourists with money to burn. The only sandwiches in their price range for me contain lobster, and that sure won't be found there.
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