What did you eat Sunday, December 24, 2023?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Christmas Eve dinner was Clams Casino, garlic bread, Shrimp Cocktail, Niçoise Salade, and Linguine with White Clam Sauce.






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Mille-Feuille shabu shabu prepped and ready to cook. I just have to make the spicy sauce that is a condiment for it .

Not nearly as pretty after it is cooked, but tasty. Homegrown bean sprouts on the bottom, end up stacks of Napa cabbage, perilla leaves, and thinly cut rib eye, with shiitaki, brown and white beech mushrooms in the center, plus noodles and scallions that were added right before cooking.

Christmas Eve dinner was Clams Casino, garlic bread, Shrimp Cocktail, Niçoise Salade, and Linguine with White Clam Sauce.






Gorgeous feast!

I'm in the process of making cheesy and creamy chicken, mushroom, wild rice and broccoli soup. Hubby still has covid symptoms because he didn't test in time to start taking paxlovid (he was sick several days before he gave it to me). I'm feeling fine but I'll cook whatever makes him feel better.

I lost 6 pounds over the past week but the covid diet was not fun.
Gorgeous feast!

I'm in the process of making cheesy and creamy chicken, mushroom, wild rice and broccoli soup. Hubby still has covid symptoms because he didn't test in time to start taking paxlovid (he was sick several days before he gave it to me). I'm feeling fine but I'll cook whatever makes him feel better.

I lost 6 pounds over the past week but the covid diet was not fun.
Thank you, Jusa.
Glad you feel better. Hope hub get well soon.
DH requested Pot Roast for dinner. It is one of his favorites and I was happy to have an easy meal. He also loves meatloaf. I don't think I would have made that, if he had requested it. Hey! I'm his wife, not his fairy godmother! We had shrimp cocktail too. I made a peach upside down cake for dessert, but we had no room! We watched movies while the roast was cooking. DH said they otta make Pot Roast incense...LOL.

I went over to my friend's house for the "Christmas Dinner", on Sunday, due to a change in plans - her Mom, who lives a little over 20 miles award is not feeling up to driving up and back, so they went up today, so she could see her great-granddaughter (turning 1 yr old Jan 6), and my friend called me with the change in plans, and I told her I'd have to make the cheesecake for New-year's eve, instead (that was all I had to make for the dinner, and was being done in Sunday afternoon). We had the usual holiday meal, with a lot of leftovers - a large turkey, a lot of stuffing and some cornbread, the daughter makes all the time, and a bunch of carrot and potato cubes, baked with a bunch of garlic and rosemary, and a few other things he added to, and a pot of greens, the Mom made. They took some dinners over to a couple of older neighbors, that probably aren't doing much cooking, and added a small ziploc of those cookies I took over (my only took over then, and I probably gave them half of those cookies!). We didn't really have a dessert, due to the change in plans, but they ate a bunch of the cookies, as their sweets.
Fest of the seven fishes. Linguine and clam sauce, Fried Shrimp, Fried Scallops in butter sauce, Anchovies and Escarole, Smoked Salmon on bagels with a smear and capers, Seafood Gumbo with Tilapia and Shrimp, and Tuna Dip with veggies... Baklava, Cannoli, Pralines, Cheesecake, Peanut Butter Cookies, Chocolate covered Peanut Clusters, Peanut Brittle, English Toffee...

We had friends and family 13 in all. The Seven Fishes is an Italian-American tradition.
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