What did you eat Friday, August 16, 2024?

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I finally hit up the Mexican restaurant and got a couple orders of refried beans. I have tostadas I bought at the grocery store and with the lettuce and cheese I have at home, I have enough to make ten meals of tostadas, one of which I had on Friday. Thing is, I know better than to eat ten meals of tostadas with refried beans in a row, so now I have to decide what I'm going to do with them. Can I freeze refried beans?
Jersey Mike's which we took with us to the drive-in (and, like a 5 year old, I got it all over me.)

I swear, I need an adult bib.

Besides me, I have a friend that we always say we can't take out to eat. She tried to spear a grape with her fork once and send it bouncing down the aisle. Then it rolled to the door where someone stepped on it. Her expression? Priceless.
I finally hit up the Mexican restaurant and got a couple orders of refried beans. I have tostadas I bought at the grocery store and with the lettuce and cheese I have at home, I have enough to make ten meals of tostadas, one of which I had on Friday. Thing is, I know better than to eat ten meals of tostadas with refried beans in a row, so now I have to decide what I'm going to do with them. Can I freeze refried beans?

Yes, you can freeze refried beans with no negative consequences.

I make my own, and use them for any kind of meal, breakfast to supper. It is kind of like Mexican mayo, you can spread it warm on a tortilla or a bun, and add your meat, eggs or whatever on it. Get a bag of Fritos, and scoop it up as a dip. It doesn't last long enough in my house to need freezing.

and you can chop up and freeze you celery too! Can't take out a piece and munch on it. It will now be for cooking only, but that's a great little item to have in there. You can put them in small baggies or one large, but the large should be frozen as flat as possible. Makes it much more convenient to break off a piece when needed.

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