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For the past few days, I've been limited at doing anything - including being online. So I have been deciding what I will do when I CAN do more...like maybe tomorrow. I think I want to revisit some Asian dishes. I've been craving teriyaki salmon, summer rolls, and cake. I really want some cake. Today, I gathered ingredients for the first two items...but not cake.

Cake sounds sooo good!
We’re in route 220 miles from home and our only must stop is a truck stop that sells fresh baked home made cake
and a dog park.


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Seems that this has been a "replace stuff" week.

Jeannie's phone has been giving her fits so, we ordered 2 new phones yesterday.

Our TV has been slowly going out so we went to Sam's Club today for a new one.

Hope the car keeps working well. :ermm:

Just think of it as spending your stimulus check, Ross - unless you already blew that on frivolous things like groceries. :huh: Himself spent his entire share on a new camera. I'll be using mine for a new vacuum cleaner. I just used a little duct tape on the hose of my current one so that it will suck. If a vacuum doesn't suck, it sucks. :LOL:
Just think of it as spending your stimulus check, Ross - unless you already blew that on frivolous things like groceries. :huh: Himself spent his entire share on a new camera. I'll be using mine for a new vacuum cleaner. I just used a little duct tape on the hose of my current one so that it will suck. If a vacuum doesn't suck, it sucks. :LOL:

It IS nice to have that available. :)

We have been trying to to support the restaurant industry with ours. ;):yum:

Wife said the dog is 8 lbs overweight - no more treats just as this Amazon order arrived


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What a sweet face! [emoji177] Our vet recently suggested a certain kind of treat for our dog's teeth, to help with plaque. It's health food! [emoji16] Maybe look into that next time.
OMG... at 3 yrs! she's just getting over her baby fat! LOL

Kgirl, of all the GS I've had, not one of them failed to have "bat ears" LOL

a couple were pure bred and a couple were mix.... all with bat ears.:wub:

I miss them all so much, :( :unhappy: :cry:

each and every one and all the others that were not even GS's
Love your dog pix.
Shira. She's 3. From a rescue that my wife volunteers at. Powerful and smart.

DH wanted a GSD, and this was his first EVER pet!
Me, not my first rodeo.
So I had to explain to him, you need to train him and ensure that he understands the pecking order in the household, especially with my Mom & Dad living with us at the time.
It was:
The Girl (moi) / Alpha Female / #1-don't mess with her
DH / Alpha Male - big push over ;)
The Boy
.. and this is how everyone was referred to as.

When my Dad passed, the neighbors said that he sat there and howled all day, as we collected his remains and made all of the arrangements.
They told me that he never made a peep, but if he did bark or howl, they knew something was wrong and looked out for him and the house if we were out.

He protected my Mother like nobody's business boy! He had breakfast with her every morning ... she made him his own piece of toast with butter :LOL:

OMG... at 3 yrs! she's just getting over her baby fat! LOL

Kgirl, of all the GS I've had, not one of them failed to have "bat ears" LOL

a couple were pure bred and a couple were mix.... all with bat ears.:wub:

I miss them all so much, :( :unhappy: :cry:

each and every one and all the others that were not even GS's

When Vito was a baby, he had one ear that drooped, but all of a sudden it just POPPED UP! I had him professionally groomed every 3-4 weeks and she loved him and he loved her. He never got an ear infection and always smelled nice too. She would send him home with "a shirt" aka a homemade neckerchief. He would strut about, waiting for anyone to compliment him. It was "all about me". :LOL:
For the past few days, I've been limited at doing anything - including being online. So I have been deciding what I will do when I CAN do more...like maybe tomorrow. I think I want to revisit some Asian dishes. I've been craving teriyaki salmon, summer rolls, and cake. I really want some cake. Today, I gathered ingredients for the first two items...but not cake.
That sounds fantastic. When is dinner?
I'm busy restaining my teeth after my first check up and cleaning in 14 1/2 months! [emoji16] I was a bit concerned about how hard my hygienist would have to scrape after all that time, but I guess I was a good girl. Got a clean bill of health and a bag of goodies. I guess they missed their clients!
Scheduled a MRI for a pinched nerve in my shoulder.
Shutting down all activity until I get this behind me.
@&!@!!&#%!! It really hurts.
Pinched nerve pain defaulted from an 8 to a 10 so just got a shot of a hot load of Dilauded and it’s yet to kick in.
Youngest son will drive me home.
I’m thinking of a cool glass of White Zin to help with the pain.
But the wife will nix that idea.
That sounds fantastic. When is dinner?

It turned out really good. I made a lemon glazed cake a few days later.

Eggs are hatching. Looks like a chicken laid some eggs in the ducks nest. View attachment 46954

The chicken in the duck hutch makes me smile! So cute!

I've finished planting a few things in my little garden. However, I am still required to stay out of sunlight so am becoming a vampiric gardener. Tonight I planted some beans by the fading glow of the sun which had set. :cool:
Who ate the raisins?

My DH has been feeding birds in our backyard for many years. Well, I decided I wanted to put a feeder and bird bath in the front yard. It has been fun watching them. Yesterday I put some raisin bread out for them.This morning I looked to see if they eat it. Much to my surprise the raisins were gone but the bread was still there. My DH thought that either the squirrels or rabbits ate them.:)
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