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Hi, I am soo sorry about what you are going through. Please tell your father for me, I have been there. And I learned that for the first year DO NOT MAKE ANY MAJOR DECISIONS. YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF. Waiting for that first year to pass can and will be very hard to do. Your father thinks he will be able to handle the passing of his wife much easier if there are not any reminders of what he lost, but it doesn't work that way. A year from now he will feel and see things differently. I hope this helps.
I know this. I am so glad I did not purge my dear brother's things immediately. My perspective of what to keep has definitely changed. I wasn't allowed to say my brother's name for over a year. His ashes were in my closet for 15 months. I was da@#ed if I was going to scatter them without my Mom and Dad at LOW with me. I did everything else after he passed alone, I wasn't going to do that alone, too.
You have been so brave thru all this - my hugs go out to you.
Thank you. I was not brave--I was the daughter my Momma raised me to be. I was terrified every night for 3.5 years when I went to bed that I would wake up and discover my Mom died, alone. I did not want her to die alone--and she didn't. I wanted her to die with dignity and respect with someone who loved her there when she took her last breath. She did die with dignity and respect and with someone who loved her. I loved my Momma more than life itself--she was my hero. My goal in life has always been to be half the beautiful, kind, caring, compassionate, fun person she was. I am still working on that. This is one of my favourite pics taken during the 3.5 years--that look on my face and my eyes is the same one in so many pictures of the years of my Momma and I.


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I'm relaxing after making pickled beets. I boiled the beets last night and put them in the fridge. Today, Stirling and I rubbed / scraped the skin off of them and sliced them up; put them in jars; and poured the vinegar mix on them. One jar, we added some sliced jalapeno and a chopped up, dried habanero. I used my Danish recipe, which says to wait at least two days before tasting them. When the jars have cooled off a bit, I will put them in the fridge.
We're heading back to MA now - 131 miles deep into the state. It's easy to tell since the exit numbers are the same as the mile markers. Ran into some snow, but it looks like clear driving the rest of the evening. Love visiting the kids, but I'll be glad to get back to my own bathroom and bed.
I have a small vacation, sitting at home mostly. Became addicted to Reddit, reading facts about weird wikipedia articles https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/

Recently started following Reddit.. Lots of fun stuff but, I suspect that the majority of those who post responses are boys in moms basement.. Interesting stories have scores of silly/stupid comments.. I read that most respondents were geeks who were bullied as youths and now fight back through the anonymity of the internet.. :ermm::LOL:

I am up to 6 hours of work a day along with 1.5 hours of Rehab. Still feel wiped out at the end of the day. Spent Saturday in the backseat of the Mini Cooper, in and out 8-9 times. That put paid to Sunday, I slept all night and most of the day. Today I am sore from getting in and out of the car, 1.5 hours of Rehab and 6 hours of work. Can hardly keep going. I'll be so glad when I can have a full day and not crap out.
Just saw this:
January 28, 1986
Space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven crew members.

I was sleeping when I heard Shrek holler and found him crying on the couch. He was deeply wounded by this event.
Just saw this:
January 28, 1986
Space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven crew members.

I was sleeping when I heard Shrek holler and found him crying on the couch. He was deeply wounded by this event.

I will never forget that.. My first wife and I were driving up a mountain road to a sales call when that happened.. It was a sad sales trip..

I remember that day very well - I had my first OB appointment when I was pregnant with my oldest child. I was waiting to go back and the TV in the waiting room was on CNN. Talk about a shock.....
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