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Wow a lot of news just today in this thread. PF, you deserve a good rest and a pat on the back! Pac, I can smell that meat from here. Addie, I'm still praying for your daughter, and wish her well. And, big hugs for Kylie! I hope your knee is better soon.

Thank you chopper. There are days when I am filled with worry. But I know I am not alone. I see all the angels for her and I am so appreciative for them. I think the only two who know all of the truth about my daughter's prognosis is myself and my son Poo. We will know more in September when she goes for her next MRI. If the tumor has shrunk to nothing, she will stay on the chemo for another six months. If it hasn't, it will mean another surgery. And she will be returning to work September 19th. Only five percent of patients with this type of cancer survive. I keep telling myself she is in the five percent. If I didn't I don't think I could handle any of this. Thank you so much. :angel: And one for you. :angel:
Wow a lot of news just today in this thread. PF, you deserve a good rest and a pat on the back! Pac, I can smell that meat from here. Addie, I'm still praying for your daughter, and wish her well. And, big hugs for Kylie! I hope your knee is better soon.

Thanks Chopper...working on it, but somehow I keep getting sucked back here. Shrek is asleep in his chair, I bet he hasn't slept well the entire time I was gone.:rolleyes:
Absolutely voluntary, the food is provided by the Forestry Service and donations from local folks. I took a week's vacation, so I guess this is what I did on my summer vacation.

The smoke is everywhere, even in town, so I will still be smelling campfires until the fires are gone. I have one heck of a headache from the smoke and my lungs just hurt. But, I'm fine and did my good deed for the week.

Take a nice hot shower and get some rest. And I expect a paper on "What I did this summer." Two pages please. I will be checking spelling and grammar. :angel:


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...I have been trying to vacuum and I just can't do it. It is so frustrating. I have a canister and that is part of the problem. I need to get an upright. I find myself tripping over the hose, always have the dang thing in the wrong place. I have to admit, I need to have a housekeeper come in once a week. I just can't do this anymore. I vacuumed one spot and my heart was racing so hard. And I can't keep asking Spike to do my housework. He has his own work that he does all day. So often he falls asleep here right in the computer chair. I am losing ground and I don't like it. :angel:

Addie, lots of schools now require their students to do so many hours of volunteer work before graduation. Back in the '60s even my high school strongly encouraged it as the right thing to do. I wonder if there are students who want to help elderly, senior citizens older adults* with housekeeping. It seems like you're fine doing your dusting and bathroom scrubbing, but maybe a high school student could hop over that vacuum hose a lot more nimbly than you? FWIW, even though I'm a couple of years younger than you (I'm 62) you can still clean circles around me! Your cleaning prowess puts me to shame...

*What the heck IS the politically correct term for surviving longer than others? I hate trying to figure out the "politically correct" term for some stuff.
It took me three hours to get home from up the mountain, probably only about 30 miles. I may have been able to walk faster. It was good seeing some folks being able to get back to their houses.

And, I am done with campfires for the rest of the summer.

Welcome home PF. Hope you sleep well, and when you get back to work Patron had better be glad to see you!
Have been playing some Wii U this afternoon, now going to start cooking dinner

We are making Meatballs and Papperdelle :yum:
Addie, lots of schools now require their students to do so many hours of volunteer work before graduation. Back in the '60s even my high school strongly encouraged it as the right thing to do. I wonder if there are students who want to help elderly, senior citizens older adults* with housekeeping. It seems like you're fine doing your dusting and bathroom scrubbing, but maybe a high school student could hop over that vacuum hose a lot more nimbly than you? FWIW, even though I'm a couple of years younger than you (I'm 62) you can still clean circles around me! Your cleaning prowess puts me to shame...

*What the heck IS the politically correct term for surviving longer than others? I hate trying to figure out the "politically correct" term for some stuff.

There is no politically correct term, I generally say "young lady" or "young gentleman" when referring to them directly. I am a Geriatrics Nurse (and a geriatric nurse) and I care for the Elderly. I really think they don't care much as long as you don't call them late to dinner.
Welcome home PF. Hope you sleep well, and when you get back to work Patron had better be glad to see you!

Thanks!!! Yes, Patron will pee on me in delight, I only have to go to the bathroom and come back and he is ecstatic to see me...the degree of excitement IS higher if it has been a while. I think the plea was actually from BossLady who is tired of covering my a work while I am out and she's using the love I have for the Wee Doggie to entice me back.:LOL:
I'm trying to figure out my new camera's software. It is just different enough from the older model to mess me up. Somehow or another I didn't just import the three test pics into the editing program, I imported every dang picture I had on this computer. And I can't find a way to select all of them to delete them. My older Canon automatically took me to a download screen, then the editing program. Not so with this one.
It's probably too nice out to be messing with this anyway.
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