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(((Hugs Addie))) :angel:

I understand not liking the feeling of losing ground. But, maybe if you get that housework help (and maybe some other help too), you will find that you can regain ground on things that are more enjoyable, because you won't be too tired to do them.

Thanks TL. Today I really had to face facts. I am not 20 years old and cannot race through my home cleaning it from top to bottom in one day. So come Monday the nurse is coming to check me for a problem I am having. I will mention to her to please recommend a cleaning lady for me. :angel:
Thanks TL. Today I really had to face facts. I am not 20 years old and cannot race through my home cleaning it from top to bottom in one day. So come Monday the nurse is coming to check me for a problem I am having. I will mention to her to please recommend a cleaning lady for me. :angel:
Getting a cleaning lady should make you feel, hmmm, how do I describe it, posh? aristocratic? ;)
Steve suggested getting a house cleaner here as I have trouble sometimes doing loads of housework with my shoulder and now my knee...

I still prefer to clean my own house though but Ads for you, it sounds like the perfect solution :)
Steve suggested getting a house cleaner here as I have trouble sometimes doing loads of housework with my shoulder and now my knee...

I still prefer to clean my own house though but Ads for you, it sounds like the perfect solution :)
That's what I thought too. You should give it a try. One tax season, I was so busy that I decided to get a house cleaner. She was great. She did stuff exactly the way I wanted it done.

I would get a house cleaner again, if I felt that I had the budget for it.
Well one thing for sure. I don't have to worry about the expense. And the housekeepers they have do a great job. I have seen how they clean. I just hope I don't turn into one of those folks who have to have the house clean for the housekeeper. I know a lot of women who do that. They are given four hours to do each apartment. You can breeze through mine in no more than two. And that is doing deep cleaning. All my furniture is on wheels. So it is easy to get behind if need be. Stove and fridge are on wheels too.

I am beginning to look forward to be Mrs. Van Trash Can. Who knows. Maybe Mrs. Van der Bilt will have me to tea. :angel:
My mums partner has a cleaning lady and he tidies up a bit before she comes :LOL:

Taxy, that is great that you have had a house cleaner, I bet it was great, as you would have been very busy with your work
I admit to tidying up before the cleaner came, but if I didn't, it would have made her work much more difficult. I did not clean before she came.
My mums partner has a cleaning lady and he tidies up a bit before she comes :LOL:

Taxy, that is great that you have had a house cleaner, I bet it was great, as you would have been very busy with your work
Yup, it was a big help during busy tax season, and partially deductible on income tax. :rolleyes:
It took me three hours to get home from up the mountain, probably only about 30 miles. I may have been able to walk faster. It was good seeing some folks being able to get back to their houses.

And, I am done with campfires for the rest of the summer.
This was in my e-mail with "Auntie where are youuuuuu?"


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It took me three hours to get home from up the mountain, probably only about 30 miles. I may have been able to walk faster. It was good seeing some folks being able to get back to their houses.

And, I am done with campfires for the rest of the summer.

Oh dear. Long ordeal, PF! Hopefully the hunky firefighters made the job a bit easier! Hope you can get some rest, bless you!

Awwww, I agree with Patron!
Wow a lot of news just today in this thread. PF, you deserve a good rest and a pat on the back! Pac, I can smell that meat from here. Addie, I'm still praying for your daughter, and wish her well. And, big hugs for Kylie! I hope your knee is better soon.
Glad you got home safely. When you get back to work, give Patron a big hug from me. That is adorable.

PF, is that work you did and cook for all the firefighters strictly volunteer? Who paid for the food? That is some effort on your part. I am certain that it is a good feeling to see folks able to return to their home and find it still standing. Were you close enough to be inhaling some of the smoke? I always tell myself when I see any fire, that in that smoke prayers are going up with it. :angel:
Wow a lot of news just today in this thread. PF, you deserve a good rest and a pat on the back! Pac, I can smell that meat from here. Addie, I'm still praying for your daughter, and wish her well. And, big hugs for Kylie! I hope your knee is better soon.


Indeed, Chopper! Nice summary!

And will add great hopes for CG's Himself's job!
Glad you got home safely. When you get back to work, give Patron a big hug from me. That is adorable.

PF, is that work you did and cook for all the firefighters strictly volunteer? Who paid for the food? That is some effort on your part. I am certain that it is a good feeling to see folks able to return to their home and find it still standing. Were you close enough to be inhaling some of the smoke? I always tell myself when I see any fire, that in that smoke prayers are going up with it. :angel:

Absolutely voluntary, the food is provided by the Forestry Service and donations from local folks. I took a week's vacation, so I guess this is what I did on my summer vacation.

The smoke is everywhere, even in town, so I will still be smelling campfires until the fires are gone. I have one heck of a headache from the smoke and my lungs just hurt. But, I'm fine and did my good deed for the week.
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