Wednesday dinner, June 12, 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Picadillo, along with lots and lots and lots of rain.

I saw something online about the rain there. Ten inches of rain? My sister says there is another low making its way into the Gulf, but only a 20% chance of turning into a named storm.

8+ inches just today a bit south of us. It pretty much rained here all day today, anywhere from very hard to drizzle, mostly pretty hard though.

Rain supposed to contine over next few days. Don't know where it's all going to go.
Done... and delish!
Tuscan Butter Shrimp (compliments of Andy.

although the spinach hit the compost, was replaced with last of the snow peas. Not quite the same but still yummy!
Mis en place:

basil was a mix of large leaf, small leaf and thai.

(another forgot to press Post Reply, found it this morning)
Can only find mentions of it, but no recipes by him. :cry:
This is the recipe that Craig, CG and kayelle referenced in their posts.

I’ve made it without the potatoes and capers.

This is the recipe that AndyM referenced.

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This is the recipe that Craig, CG and kayelle referenced in their posts.

I’ve made it without the potatoes and capers.

This is the recipe that AndyM referenced.

Nope, not the one we use, not even close. We use sherry. And the recipe I use doesn't call for capers at all, but I add a few as well as a little cumin.

I'll see if I can find it later. I used my phone, instead of the cookbook, so it's online, when I made yesterday.
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That looks fantastic. Have you posted the recipe?

I think Craig did years ago.

I'm pretty sure I've seen it, somewhere. Perhaps on another food forum?


This is the recipe that Craig, CG and kayelle referenced in their posts.

I’ve made it without the potatoes and capers.

This is the recipe that AndyM referenced.

Craig posted a link.

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