Wednesday dinner, June 12, 2024?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thank you. Question - do I have to add the raisins? Don’t think DD’s will eat it with raisins.
Nope, not the one we use, not even close. We use sherry. And the recipe I use doesn't call for capers at all, but I add a few as well as a little cumin.

I'll see if I can find it later. I used my phone, instead of the cookbook, so it's online, when I made yesterday.
Yes please post yours. TIA
Thank you. Question - do I have to add the raisins? Don’t think DD’s will eat it with raisins.
They add a sweetness to balance the salt and pickled stuff. Use currants (not zante, they are raisins) or golden raisins. If you use goldens, they'll probably think they are onions or potato pieces. Maybe even give them a quick chop.
Nope, not the one we use, not even close. We use sherry. And the recipe I use doesn't call for capers at all, but I add a few as well as a little cumin.

I'll see if I can find it later. I used my phone, instead of the cookbook, so it's online, when I made yesterday.
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