Wasabi Knife Sharpening System

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Does anyone have any experience with the subject system? I've been thinking about improving over what I have now and this brand is popping up all over the place with a super sale price right now.
I watched a video analysis of the sharpener on YouTube. The reviewer had very little positive to say about and the video bore out his claims. I've decided to skip it.
LOL - taxy, took me awhile to find out how I got there. Under the original picture there are quite a few "dots" showing other pictures to see. I believe it is the last one that is an actual video.

Andy, you may be right. My son maintains that the first thing one should check out are not the "fantastic, 5 star" reviews - but the "yech, don't waste your money - one star" reviews.
I watched a video analysis of the sharpener on YouTube. The reviewer had very little positive to say about and the video bore out his claims. I've decided to skip it.
Your intuition was correct. Gadgets sell though, fertilizer baffles brains as they say. :brows:
it is not dissimilar to the EdgePro approach.

I have the EdgePro, it does wonderfully at maintaining a consistent edge angle - which is like ueber super ultra important to producing a 'really sharp" knife.

to note: the EdgePro has color coded marks on the vertical post, which allows us unwashed heretics to replicate a specific angle of sharpening.

otoh, the Wasabi blade holding device seems a bit more 'secure' than the EdgePro - which,,, has an option for a magnetic hold down device - highly recommended , , ,
I'e been aware of the Edge Pro for years. Price was a drawback. That's why I noticed the Wasabi. In the meantime, I've been using a Lansky sharpening system for a while now. It does a good job but has limitations I wanted to get away from.
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