Tuesdays Dinner, 13th Feb '24

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
I cooked up some pasta, then added some red pesto and cream, along with some very nice salmon which I had pan fried along with roasted red peppers, ancho chillies and petit pois. Combined it all and dished up. Turned out very tasty and will take the rest to work for lunch tomorrow.
Pesto Pasta with Salmon, Peppers and Peas.jpg
I'm planning to roast some root veggies with sausage and chicken.
Santiago cilantro & lime sausages, chicken breast, rutabugger*, fartichokes**, carrots, celeriac, daikon radish, fingerling potatoes, garlic, mushrooms I forgot the onion, but it was still yummy. Banana nut muffins for dessert again.
**AKA sunroots, sunchokes, Jerusalem artichokes.

Tray bake of root veg, Santiago lime and cilantro sausages, and chicken breast.jpg
Tray bake of root veg, Santiago lime and cilantro sausages.jpg
taxy - how does the daikon do with the roasting? Does it hold it's shape? or do you have to add it later? Always think of them as a softer cooking ingredient.
taxy - how does the daikon do with the roasting? Does it hold it's shape? or do you have to add it later? Always think of them as a softer cooking ingredient.
The daikon works great. I didn't need to do anything special and yes, it holds its shape. It doesn't have a lot of flavour, but it works well as part of the "chorus".
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