Tuesday chow on 2024 November 5

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I made myself an easy supper. What about you? What did you have?

I had cold smoked salmon on a toasted bagel with cream cheese, sliced onion, and capers. I also had some coleslaw and some hot pickled pepper rings. There's enough coleslaw for another night, but I had hoped to leave more for other times. I guess I had a coleslaw deficit.

2024-11-05 Smoked salmon on a bagel, coleslaw, and hot banana peppers1.jpg
I made two new meals for us today, our schedules aren't matching right now during trapping season. Not that they match very well anytime.

Inspired by @msmofet's green bean casserole, I made an almond milk sauce with herbs, a pan of garden green beans, mushrooms and onions, and baked potatoes to serve it over.
Then a favorite of mine, red lentil curry, w/veggie brown basmati rice.
Super easy meal - found some frozen broth from some mussels eons ago, melted it up in a pan and threw in the rest of the mussels. Added a bit of extra wine and some fresh thyme along with a knob of butter. Served over some l/o rice.
Rinse mussels, heat sauce, toss in mussels, heat rice - Eat How easy is that!

These mussels were pretty big compared to some earlier in the year and only lost 2 that wouldn't close. Plucked out the meat from the last of them and tossed in the freezer. So 3 meals out of a $6.00 bag. Pretty good in my books!
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