The Arms Race to Grow World's Hottest Pepper Goes Nuclear

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Arms Race to Grow World's Hottest Pepper Goes Nuclear -

From link:

Alex de Wit, who co-owns the Chilli Factory in Morisset, Australia, with his brother Marcel, is one of the evil geniuses behind the Butch T. The trick, besides some nifty breeding by Australia's Hippy Seed Co., is specially enriched soil. He says "worm poop" is one of his secret weapons. He plans to submit to Guinness another batch of Butch T peppers being grown in tropical Queensland. He estimates that the more favorable growing conditions could add 10% to their potency.
I've never understood the drive to grow the hottest peppers.

One could use some of the hot sauces to strip chrome off a bumper.

As for me if I get a good endorphin rush and break a light sweat the pepper is juuuust right.
i'm disappointed that the wsj allowed such poor titling if an article. it has nothing to do with nuclear science, or a nucleus of any kind. it's more about naturally enriched doil and environment.

the editor that allowed this should be brought to fukashima daiichi for a lesson.
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buckytom said:
i'm disappointed that the wsj allowed such poor titling if an article. it has nothing to do with nuclear science, or a nucleus of any kind. it's more about naturally enriched doil and environment.

the editor that allowed this should be brought to fukashima daiichi for a lesson.

At the risk of offending....

Why not Hiroshima or Nagasaki?


It was just a metaphorical reference.
misleading metaphorical references in an article's headline in a financial paper? lol.

you must be a u.s.a. today kinda guy.
I've never understood the drive to grow the hottest peppers.

One could use some of the hot sauces to strip chrome off a bumper.

As for me if I get a good endorphin rush and break a light sweat the pepper is juuuust right.

going for a world record is a good thing:cool:
kleenex said:
going for a world record is a good thing:cool:

Understand and agree.

I occasionally enjoy my BIL's home grown habaneros halved with a squeeze of lime and a dash of sea salt but that's my limit.

Don't try this on an empty stomach!
Understand and agree.

I occasionally enjoy my BIL's home grown habaneros halved with a squeeze of lime and a dash of sea salt but that's my limit.

Don't try this on an empty stomach!

That would be more fun though:rolleyes:
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