TGIF 7/8 What's Cooking?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2008
New Orleans, LA
My thyme plant needs a haircut and I'm out of stock so I'm making an egg drop soup.

What's cooking (or not) at your house?:chef:
DD sent me an e-mail (she was sitting 3 feet from me at the time) saying she wants tuna fish sandwiches for lunch. We have to go over to the new house and paint most of the day, then I have to go to work. I won't be doing much cooking for awhile.
Hello everyone,

Sunny but hot today ... perfect beach day ... and that's where me and my boys are head in a few. We'll meet up with friends and I'll have some quality girl time while the boys play with their friends.

Dinner tonight will be linguine with white clam sauce, garlic bread to sop up the juices, and a salad on the side.

Enjoy the day:chef:
I was saying to DH last night that I need to use up some eggplant in the crisper and the first thing I look at this morning is Ms Mofet's eggplant Parmesan. It's a little different from my recipe (and I will have to make the usual gf/df changes, but I love her spice blend!

Definitely we will have salad with it and I am not sure what else.
Tonight is Pizza. I may cheat and get take out! Maybe ice-cream cones for dessert.
I was torn between homemade pizza and fish. Fish won. I have 3 nice cod pieces thawing as we speak. Tonight I'll make the dough and we'll have the pizza tomorrow. I'll probably make some rice and broccoli to go with the fish.
I cooked up a chicken breast in the thyme broth and sliced off a sandwich's worth for lunch. Mmmm good with swiss on the last slices of toasted rye.

I may add the rest of the chicken to the egg drop soup later, but for now, I'm cooking up some carrots in the broth. I know, I should have added them with the chicken, but I've got all day. When the carrots are done, I'll cool and refrigerate the soup for about 4 hours, then finalize it for dinner.

I already did the laundry, and dusted, so I'm going to do some reading.
I just finished up the Greek chicken & pasta for lunch. Tonight I'm thinking something no brainer, like a steak on the grill.
I trying a new recipe and will be making Egg Burritos, for dessert we will be having leftover Banana Walnut Chocolate Cookies, they are not very good, but I hate to throw food away..
I have a few leftover fried chicken tenders. I'm gonna use some of the pasta sauce that I made from the tomatoes from the garden and make some Chicken Parmesan for dinner.
I have a few leftover fried chicken tenders. I'm gonna use some of the pasta sauce that I made from the tomatoes from the garden and make some Chicken Parmesan for dinner.



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herbs are starting to flower so im opting for italian tonite to use up some of them... italian sausage, marinara sauce, peppers out of the garden and fresh basil, oregano, thyme and parsley out of the herb garden....
Totally at a loss tonight. I think it's a grazing night lol. I had popcorn... now I'm eating rinsed artichoke hearts. Random...
I added surimi and lite soy to the egg drop soup. It came out good, but the surimi needs to marinate in the juices of the soup, so it is back in the fridge for an overnighter.

Now I have to find something else to eat. I think I'll have another sandwich from the breast meat cooked in the thyme broth, this time with some colby jack cheese on toasted honey wheat bread.
I offered SO a choice of pasta with meatballs and Italian sausages in sauce or Chinese take-out. She didn't want either and opted for a tuna sandwich. I got pork lo mein.
We had another recipe from my new magazine. Tonight was sauteed beef strips in a "guacamole" over whole grain pasta. It was different but tasty. The guacamole was made with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. The sauce had fresh tomatoes scattered over it. Yummy! :chef:

We will have leftover cherry cobbler for dessert.
Beautiful, Mama!!

I made some killer Pico de Gallo yesterday with my home grown tomatoes...the flavors are wonderful today. I need some good beef Tri Tip to go with it, and I have it in the oven, it's too durn hot outside to use the grill. How I love my central AC !! We'll have loaded baked potatoes with green salad too.
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