Talk me off the ledge - dying fridge

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
My 20 year old fridge is dying and will have to be replaced. This week I went shopping and have fallen in love with a French door style fridge with loads of bells and whistles, freezer on the bottom and a whopping price tag. For half the price I could get a nice replacement this is a lot like my old fridge. It would keep the food cold, make ice, etc.... but it wouldn't be nearly as slick as a new french door model.

So... who has made this change? Are the features worth the upcharge? Does anyone have a french door style fridge? Would you do it again?
Oh Janet - I LOVE a fridge with bells and whistles!!!! We can't have a French door fridge because of a wall :(. There is no doubt in my mind that you will love it. It's only worth it if you LOVE it!
Janet, I don't like the freezer on the bottom because its too easy access for the kids to get to the ice cream! At least if the freezer is on top they have some digging to do if I hide it in the back. LOL
Janet, I don't like the freezer on the bottom because its too easy access for the kids to get to the ice cream! At least if the freezer is on top they have some digging to do if I hide it in the back. LOL

The ice cream fiend in my house is my husband - he would have to bend over to get at this way. Not a bad thing.....:rolleyes:

Basically this comes down to money. Is a french door model worth $1,000 more than the plain vanilla model? Both would have ice makers, chilled water, about the same storage space, etc.
My DH is the BIGGEST ice cream fiend (and chocolate, and candy) but trust me the kids are fiends too. IMO no they aren't worth the money. I can't see paying double as the functionality doesn't double. When you get right down to it...its just a fridge.
Unless you want to put large platters in your fridge that otherwise wouldn't fit (which is the reason I would buy the French door style) then I don't think it would be worth the additional $$$.
I see alot of features of the french door style that I like. Is it possible to get one that's less expensive than the one you saw?
Janet, let us know if you go for it - i know you're hoping for advice, we're just all hoping *someone* takes the plunge and tells us how it is! i saw one at lowe's a couple of years ago that i'm still all yearning for: it was a 4-door model that looked like the french door sort on the outside (freezer on bottom, Uncle Bob!), but in reality was 4 separate compartments. you could program the temperature of each compartment separately, so if you wanted one side of the freezer compartment to be the deep freeze for long-term meat storage and the other to be just-frozen so the ice cream would be soft, there ya go.

geez, i wish i had the crazy money for that thing. sigh.

practical stuff, though: how big are the handles, and where is your fridge being situated? many of the french door models i've seen lately in the store have these long, thick arching handles that would only work well if the fridge was surrounded by countertops. mine being over in the side (at a corner of 2 kitchen walls) means that those thick doors wouldn't be able to really open all the way.
My 20 year old fridge is dying and will have to be replaced. This week I went shopping and have fallen in love with a French door style fridge with loads of bells and whistles, freezer on the bottom and a whopping price tag. For half the price I could get a nice replacement this is a lot like my old fridge. It would keep the food cold, make ice, etc.... but it wouldn't be nearly as slick as a new french door model.

So... who has made this change? Are the features worth the upcharge? Does anyone have a french door style fridge? Would you do it again?

Since you have already seen this fridge that you like in person, just do a little bit of digging in the internet for the best price and get off that the fridge. I am sure you will be happy with your purchase especially if you get it at the right price instead...but then I am a sucker for technology...the more bells and whistles, the easier the tasks I used to have to do. The consequences comes later, but by the time it comes, you already have your most prized fridge...:ROFLMAO:
What a timely thread, and thank you kitchenelf (again). I have been lusting over one of the french door ones too. To get any new fridge, I have to do surgery on a cabinet to get enough height. While the swing open doors are great, there is this wall that I did not take into consideration.

Jabet H - A grand is a lot of money and I have the same issues as you do.

I would save your money and get one that is cheaper...........if the economy ever gets better (and it's supposed to be not so good for another couple of years) you could always sell it and go then the prices may have really come down....just talking from experience........hope I haven't pushed you off the ledge, yet :):)
door style does matter to seeing what is in the fridge, and saving your back and knees. (This may matter more depending on age and physical condition, but it should be considered.)

What is important is how cold it keeps your food. we have two fridges...a fancy high end and a much less expensive basic one for beverages and extra freezing space. The fancy one keeps food much better thus it lasts longer.

So it really depends on your needs.
We have friends who just redid their kitchen and got a french door bottom freezer model and would never go back. They say it is totally worth the extra.

We got a new fridge a few years ago and thanks to some timely money from my Dad were able to get the one of my dreams. It is not french doors (that would fit in this place but not our old house) but it is 22 cubic feet, very deep with sliding shelves that allow me to get the food in the back, huge top freezer (I couldn't bend at that time) and several other bells and whistles.

I would personally go for the one you want and you won't regret it...but ultimately it is You, Janet, who has to decide what is important, cash or convenience!

Let us know how it turns out!
I took the plunge and bought a French door fridge, and I would do it again. I replaced a side-by-side and would probably never have one of those again (everything just seemed too skinny, especially the freezer).

The fridge that I chose does not have ice/water in the door. I was more interested in having the space in the fridge than having ice/water in the door. And, there's still a water spicket inside the fridge which gives filtered water and takes up no space. It was also not as pricey as the ice in the door model.

My second choice was fridge on top (no French doors) and freezer on bottom.
I would surely have gotten the French door model if I didn't live in a 7 x 14 kitchen! Just not enough room for it. I LOVE the width of the shelf space -- no problem getting large platters on those wide shelves, or the T'day turkey, either! And I prefer the freezer on the bottom. Like the drawer idea a lot. Just didn't fit in my kitchen. Maybe in my next life? :LOL:
I don't know that much aboaut it, but I know the following: 1. I hate my side by side and 2. I always wanted a freezer on the bottom. If the result is a 'French door, so be it.

We do like the kind with the water and ice maker - I hear most ppl do !!!
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