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salt and pepper

Executive Chef
Jun 13, 2011
mmmm, i want sushi now. some of my favourite pieces: ebi, saba, masago/tobiko, and i can't tell if that's tai or hamachi on the top (with the red powder), and maybe sake or toro on the bottom. i can't tell from the pic.
Lovely, still can't believe you can get such nice seafood in Montana!
all sushi fish is deep frozen, so it can be available just about anywhere nowadays.

in fact, the best sushi is a couple of days old after being defrosted.
if it wasn't mackerel, i wonder if the bonito was cured? i've caught and cleaned bonito before and it has a really deep red flesh.

but i'm giuessing it spoils quickly so it's probably been vinegared to give it a longer defrosted life.
my husband loves kamaboko

where do you find it?

I make up pupu platters for our evening snacks
many times that are Oriental in flavor

I wish that I could find good fish here
in the middle of the desert and make poke, but
almost every store that carries fish,
I walk straight back out... when you can smell
fish as the doors open, EWW! :yuk:
I can find alot of the other goodies,
mostly in the big city of Phoenix

can't wait to make our pilgrimage back home,
that will be an eating la-la-palooza!
on our last trip, we went to the Fish Aution
down on pier 38, now that's fresh fish!
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