Sunday dinner, September 29, 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Hot wings with celery/carrots, blue cheese dipping sauce, and leftover potato salad.

I ditched Texas for the night, and went New York Italian. Linguini and clam sauce, with lots of garlic and some fresh basil from my garden... some fresh grated parm-reg, too. Really good. The canned clams were surprisingly not rubbery, actually pretty tender.


I made a Danish recipe which is one variation of "kylling i karry" (chicken in curry). There's chicken breast in cubes, onion, scallions, spinach, some diced apple or pineapple (I used apple), curry powder or paste (I used some vindaloo curry paste), water and bouillon cube (I used some leftover chicken stock made from BTB and homemade veggie "stock".), and whipping cream. I think that one should go into more frequent rotation. I had that with an asparagus side dish: pan roasted asparagus, sprinkled with lemon juice, toasted pistachios, a drizzle of EVOO, crumbled feta, and a drizzle of honey. I don't think I'll use pistachios another time unless I chop them. They were annoying.

2024-09-29 Chicken in curry and asparagus side dish2.jpg
Yesterday was special. There was a gut who had a Vegan food truck in NYC that we frequented years ago. He eventually transitioned into a restaurant ( in Penn Station / NYC) which was a perfect location for us to pick up a sandwich when we got into the city, and grab a bunch of donuts for the train ride home. When Covid hit, he shut his place down, but started doing on line cooking classes ( which I took), then starting a cooking blog ( which I participate in). It's been like 5 years since I had any food directly cooked by him. Last summer he stared doing a weekly food cart at a farmers market in Jersey. Not too far, but still meant 2 hours in the car, bridges, tunnels ... His food is really good, butt not worth a 4 hour round trip, and being so close to NYC, that 4 hours would be a best case scenario . Last year we were going to Maryland to visit my daughter, and figured we'd stop by on the way home as its would only be maybe 1/2 hour out of the way. Sure enough, he announced the weekend we would have been there, he had to cancel due to his daughter being sick. Fast forward to this past weekend, we were going to visit my daughter again , so made the same plans. Luckily, he was there . It was great to meet him in person, after interacting with him virtually for 5 years. I ordered everything on the menu, and we brought I home to eat for lunch. Here's a pic of the menu, and the food we ate.


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We had tagliatelle with fresh porcini, it's that time of year😋.
Sorry, forgot to take photo of finished dish, but these are the porcini before I cleaned and froze them, apart from the ones we ate😀.
While I was at this local gastronomical store, I also bought a little jar of truffles in olive oil😀.


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I made a Danish recipe which is one variation of "kylling i karry" (chicken in curry). There's chicken breast in cubes, onion, scallions, spinach, some diced apple or pineapple (I used apple), curry powder or paste (I used some vindaloo curry paste), water and bouillon cube (I used some leftover chicken stock made from BTB and homemade veggie "stock".), and whipping cream. I think that one should go into more frequent rotation. I had that with an asparagus side dish: pan roasted asparagus, sprinkled with lemon juice, toasted pistachios, a drizzle of EVOO, crumbled feta, and a drizzle of honey. I don't think I'll use pistachios another time unless I chop them. They were annoying.

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That looks very tasty. I love pistachios. I use them instead of pine nuts when I make pesto.

I cooked a sous vide pork tenderloin that I finished in a skillet and we had that with smashed baby potatoes and roasted butternut squash seasoned with cinnamon.

Sous vide is the best way I know to cook "white meat" pork like tenderloin. That meat can go from undercooked to shoe leather very quickly. The precision of sous vide cooking is a perfect match for that kind of meat. I actually use one of my kitchen torches to brown my pork tenderloins, but a really hot pan does a nice job, too.

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