Substitute for bacon

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As a vegetarian, this is what I have to deal with. I give them an A for effort, but no where even close. I do usually eat it as a cold cut on a kaiser roll with mustard and sauerkraut. But as a substitute for bacon.....Its been probably 30 + years since i ate real bacon, and from what I can remember,definitely not a substitute. But not bad in its own way.

Morningstar Farms® - Morningstar Farms® Veggie Bacon Strips


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Ok, depending on the recipe--one can substitute kosher beef fry. My mom did when she made her own baked beans. I love the stuff but can't eat it anymore.
If you're using it as a seasoning, you may be able to use smoked turkey wings depending upon the recipe.
Besides turkey there is also Beef Bacon, so there is a wide selection of ways to get your "bacon" fix, but agreed they don't all taste like the original product.
smoked turkey wings sound like the closest thing to use in a recipe where the bacon is for flavor, not part of the substance. Now if I can find some smoked turkey wings! Maybe even chicken wings from the bar? I can replace butter, meat, and a lot of other things, but bacon and cheese are hard to fake. Turkey bacon is OK but I am not sure it would sub for a recipe where bacon is called for.

Thanks for all the thoughts.
As a vegetarian, I find the best vegetarian food is produced by not trying to find substitutes for things. Try making food that is supposed to be vegetarian, so is good without seeming fake. Indian food is a good start when adopting this philosphophy. :yum:
In the Mediterranean countries, due to the large population of Moroccans, Sub Saharians, Iraqui, Syrians, Afghani and Algerians; the Muslim Butchers have been preparing: Beef, veal, lamb, poultry, feathered game, hoofed game ( deer, and boar ) sausages and bacon for years.

FISH SAUSAGES AND SHELLFISH SAUSAGES have become very popular most recently due to Madrid Fusion and Salon Gourmet Expositions, Gastro Bars, and chefs for example: Paco Roncero and Angel León who have been serving them in their venues ...
Have nice wkend.
Margi Cintrano.
I've mentioned it on many threads. Get a charcoal grill (what when I was a kid was called a barbecue pit!). Get those coals going. Then in a bowl toss zuchini, eggplant, onions, peppers of all sorts (just bell if you don't like heat, but red have more flavor), all thick sliced, with olive oil and your favorite seasoning blend. Grill until tender. This will give you a nice, smokey flavor that will fool the most carnivore of your friends. Mom calls it "Claire's ratatouille" when I chop it coarsely with fresh tomatoes. But just about any vegetable can be treated this way. Toss in soups (like pea and bean where you'd use bacon or ham). I'm a self-avowed omnivore, but actually like the concept of meatless days. In the summer, this is a staple.
bacon sub

just for clarification. much as I like the flavor added from things like bacon, salt pork, butter, etc, I had triple bipass way to early in my life. I have been pretty good for the most part about my diet but "stray" sometimes more than others. On a "get serious again" mode. Unfortunately, enjoying food and getting hard core heart healthy don't always go hand in hand. So the smoked turkey wings, and also the roasted veggies are sounding very good substitutes. As much as I am oK with just deleting the bacon etc, there ARE times when the flavor contributed is just too important to the intent of the culinary experience.

btw, I think this is a cool web site and so glad I found it and joined.

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