So I finally got a enameled cast iron Dutch oven!

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Feb 11, 2023
So it's nothing super fancy but I picked up a enameled lodge dutch it's not the USA made enamel from them but it's still pretty nice. The finish is not where most others...(much higher cost also) but I'm not that concerned about exterior looks. Tomorrow I will use it for the first time and see what I think
It seems to have a nice smooth interior and a lot of surface space for searing.....some don't....they curve and loose space
Looks good to me. Enjoy it. I would like to point out that you shouldn't use metal scrubbers when washing it, even if stuff gets burnt on. That may sound obvious, but I have had to stop other people who were doing that to mine on two occasions.
If any food does get stuck, soak it, use the hard plastic closure tags from bread bags or such to scrape (thank you Aunt Bea) - and as taxy has said, don't use metal scrubbers. Actually don't use metal utensils either, they leave black marks. If you have stubborn stains, including marks from metal, Magic Erasers work wonders!

One of my Dutch Ovens has dark brown stains on the bottom. Don't worry if this happens, your pot is just fine. Doesn't affect cooking or food.
I just couldn't justify the cost of LC right now....I will wait until I see just how much I'm actually using it....and being that I have one to use....should be good for quite a while before I will upgrade it. I love love love my LC skillets ! And a few of my lodge skillets also! So as of now I have a 8 and 10.5 lodge pans and a 6,8.5 and 9 inch LC pans. The one that's 8.5 is actually marked as a 9

One of my Dutch Ovens has dark brown stains on the bottom. Don't worry if this happens, your pot is just fine. Doesn't affect cooking or food.

if you use them a lot, they will do that. It doesn't hurt anything. The only surefire way to avoid it is to put the DO in a cabinet, and never use it.

About 15 years ago, at a friend's place for supper, they had this huge enameled cast iron pot. They said they had gotten it from one of their mothers' and were thinking of tossing it out as it was quite burnt on the bottom. Well, it was burnt but still useable. I said "You know, to replace that pot today (remember, 15 years ago) will cost you in the range of $300." I had just been looking at them in a le Crueset factory outlet.
I think they kept the pot, LOL - wonder what it would go for now.
You can get a fair bit of that discolouration on the bottom of enamelled cast iron pots to fade. I learned it here, many years ago and I don't remember who mentioned it. Put the pot on the stove and fill enough water to cover any discolouration you are trying to get rid of. If it is only on the bottom, put an inch or two of water. Pour a bunch of baking soda into the pot, enough that you can just barely see the bottom of the pot a few places. Turn the heat on to low and let it go for a while. This will also help remove burnt on stuff. I think it's around an hour that I usually heat it for. Give it a good wipe or maybe even a scrub with a gentle scrubber, after the water has cooled a bit. The first time I tried this, I was flabbergasted by how well it worked. I got the entire inside a beautiful, clean white again. It doesn't always work that well.
I think I tried that once. Got a bit out, but the Magic Scrubber did pretty much the same job.
Might work better on newer stains.
Good tip taxy - thanks for bringing it up!
One good feature I noticed about your DO is the metal handle - many, even expensive ones, have the plastic handle, which, if you want to use at very high temperatures for baking bread, you have to replace it with metal! And that's something that bakes great in a pot like that, lined with parchment paper.
pepper, I preheat my DO to 400F with the lid. My lid (oval) has a silicone insert down the handle on the top. No problem.

I know a lot of silicone parts are supposedly good throughout a range of different temperatures, depending on manufacturer. I've read from 375 to 425. Never 450 or 500! But then my bread is only done at 400 and it is fine. I plunk it in with parchment paper too.
My matts that I use on trays I often have at 450. LOL but then my toaster oven doesn't go past that anyhow!
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