Should I put lemonade to steep in the fridge?

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
i've made a lemonade recipe from a book
after boiling the lemon juice, sugar and water they say to turn off the heat and add the lemon peels to the pot.

after that i didn't knew if i need to let it steep for 24 hours like they say in the fridge or outside.

so after an hour i put it covered in the fridge.

then i will strain it tomorrow and add soda water to it like written.....

did i do it right? refrigirating after it cooled for an hour and let the peels of lemons steep in the juice/??..
That's what I would do. Otherwise, it might start to ferment a bit and you might end up with slightly hard lemonade.

Did you leave the pith on the lemon peels? If so, it might have some bitterness to it. If you don't like that, try cutting off the pith and just steeping the yellow part.
We have a young friend that we are teaching/working with on our bee hives and at the end of each bee check I serve lemonade and some kind of sweet dessert at the picnic table. The lemonade is made with lemon juice from a bottle and honey from the hives. I mix it up in a quart jar, then pour it over ice at the table. I make it right before I serve it. (sure if I had many lemons I'd use those instead!) It's become a tradition after bee checks.
it's been such a hot summer that i don't keep any food outside the fridge unless it's in cans or bottles.
It sounds like you're making homemade lemonade! While I'm not an expert in cooking, I can offer some general tips. Refrigerating your lemonade after it cooled for an hour and allowing the lemon peels to steep in the juice should be just fine. The chilling process can help the flavors meld together.
It sounds like you're making homemade lemonade! While I'm not an expert in cooking, I can offer some general tips. Refrigerating your lemonade after it cooled for an hour and allowing the lemon peels to steep in the juice should be just fine. The chilling process can help the flavors meld together.

If you want to experiment a bit, you can try both methods—steeping some in the fridge and leaving a portion outside for comparison.
By the way, if you ever decide to grow strawberries, there's a useful guide on growing strawberries indoors. It could be a fun addition to your culinary adventures. Enjoy your homemade lemonade!
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