Prayers Needed For Dave Hutchins

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Fisher's Mom

Executive Chef
Jun 19, 2007
San Antonio, Texas
I just spoke to Dave, who has been in the hospital in Intensive Care since last Saturday. He got moved to a private room a couple of hours ago, but is in very serious shape. Apparently he developed pneumonia and that combined with the bone marrow disease made him very ill, indeed. He has had 6 units of blood so far and massive doses of antibiotics, but things are not responding well so far. He asked me to post this and says if you have a little extra time and can say a few prayers for him, he'd be very grateful. He says he can use all the help he can get right now.
I just spoke to Dave, who has been in the hospital in Intensive Care since last Saturday. He got moved to a private room a couple of hours ago, but is in very serious shape. Apparently he developed pneumonia and that combined with the bone marrow disease made him very ill, indeed. He has had 6 units of blood so far and massive doses of antibiotics, but things are not responding well so far. He asked me to post this and says if you have a little extra time and can say a few prayers for him, he'd be very grateful. He says he can use all the help he can get right now.

Thanks for the update on Dave. He has my prayers.
Thanks for the update, Dave has been in my thoughts the past several days. I imagine they are transfusing him with blood and platelets, and getting pneumonia on top of the bone marrow disease is terrible news.
He is certainly in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm sitting here bawling because in the course of 3 minutes after posting this, look at the outpouring of caring for our friend. Dave hasn't got much family left and we are one of his main social contacts. I'm just so glad to be a part of this community.
I am sending Dave positive thoughts of strength and health and light.

Pulling for you, Dave!

I was so hoping for good news. But now pneumonia. So dangerous, and so common when your body is so debilitated.
Pull some strength from all of us, and know your in all our prayers, Dave.

Thanks for keeping us updated, FM.
Thank you for letting us know. As you know, James and I had the good fortune to meet Dave for lunch in August. We had a wonderful time talking to him, and Dave gave me a big jar of his home-made seasoning. We are praying for him.



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Prayers are certainly on the way, and his name is being given to other people who I know will pray for him, too.
Just posted in the Dave update..Sorry Terry..Thanks for getting this going..He is as you said lonely and in need of support...
I'm sitting here bawling because in the course of 3 minutes after posting this, look at the outpouring of caring for our friend. Dave hasn't got much family left and we are one of his main social contacts. I'm just so glad to be a part of this community.

Cut that out! Now, you got me crying!!!

I have told Dave that he has been added to my prayer list since he first brought up his health issues and that will not change. I wish him all the strength to fight this pneumonia. Many times my father was written off but he was like a cat with nine lives. He lived two years longer than his doctors believed.
This is not what I wanted to see when I logged on!! Oh Dave, please know that you have prayer coming from all over the world!! I will keep you in my prayers!!!
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