Prayer Please, I am coming to the end of my rope!

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I'll be thinking of the meantime...


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Well, I can not get my ultrasound scan until tomorrow. They only have skeleton staff in that department on Sundays and since it has snowed (only a little) they are even more short staffed. I go first thing in the morning. It is good in a way, however, because my GP has rounds and will be able to see me while I am there.

As for right now, I am to stay on the anti-clotting medication, keep the stocking on, my leg up and do very little else.

Tony has set up the DVD player in the bedroom, and the laptop and fed me well. A friend who lives close by will stop in to check on me later and my supper, a simple salad, is in the fridge. I am still feeling very dopey from all the medication I am on and will probably have a sleep soon.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers and for just being here to keep me occupied.

I am going to come out the other side of this, I know I am. I am already much better than a year (or even 6 months) ago and that is saying a lot.

I feel much better than when I started this thread. There is still the worry of a clot, but if they were REALLY worried they would have kept me in, right?
Wow, Laurie! That's scary! I really hope you get the help you need and that everything turns out all right!
I am so sorry to hear about this Laurie. Bless your heart, you have had a really rough couple of years with this. The idea of a blood clot is very scary indeed. My mom got them in both legs in December while she was in the hospital. In her case, it was because she was laid up in the hospital bed - she didn't have any of the usual risk factors. They put her on the anti-clotting injections, too, to help keep her from making more while she was recovering. They were not fun at all.

My heart goes out to you, my friend. (And I'm sure they told you to be very careful about getting injured, bumped or cut while you are on anti-coagulant therapy. Even a little bump will leave a whopper of a bruise!) Also, be sure and take your TED stockings off and then right back on a few times a day. They are a very powerful compression device and can cause you to have some nerve compression with numbness (usually temporary, though) if you don't take them off and re-apply them regularly.

Sorry to sound like an old mother hen but you are someone we all value greatly here and I don't want anything worse happening to you!
I'll be hoping and praying for some good results tomorrow, and that you are able to relax tonight while you wait.
Sorry to sound like an old mother hen but you are someone we all value greatly here and I don't want anything worse happening to you!

You can mother me all you want, Terry, specially right now. I have to admit I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment. Tony has just left for work and while he AND my two friends are just a phone call away, I feel helpless.

Yes, I got a pamphlet that describes the stockings and I have done these shots before, for 10 days after each surgery. I am able to give them to myself, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! I also have to make sure that the dogs don't get near me, which is hard because Violet especially can sense when I am not well and wants to be tight up against me. I am already prone to bruising and this just makes it worse.

But I am armed with two of my favourite movies of all time - The Princess Bride and Jumping Jack Flash. Between those and this laptop I am good to go!
I wish we could be there to help you, Laurie. I know what you mean about the shots. I gave them to my mom until I went home and now she gives them to herself. But it's hard to do, that's for sure.

Her cats were just like your Violet. They knew she was not well so they all wanted to be with her 24/7. But since some are very playful kittens, her arms looked like a mine-field from all the tiny little scratches that turned into horrible bruises. Thank goodness she is up and around again so they've quit being her shadow!

Keep us up on how you are and remember that there are lots of people here thinking about you.
Oh Laurie I'm so sorry to hear you are still going through this! I can only imagine frustrated you are right now. But don't give up the fight! You are doing awsome! But just like most things I'm sure it's the whole take one step forward, two steps back......we're here for you lady with constant prayer and support!
{{{big hugs}}} and thank God for your husband, at least we know you are being well taken care of!

Feel better soon!:flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers:
Ah, Lauri!! I wish that we lived closer!! I really really do!! You have my prayers and hope this is over quickly!!
Oh gosh, Laurie! I've been away form the computer alot the past two days, and look what happens! I hate to come back and find out that one of my good DC friends is having a crappy time. Hopefully, you are sound asleep by the time I am typing this and resting peacefully. We will all be waiting to hear the outcome of your ultrasound tomorrow...
Laurie: Our prayers are with you. Please dear, keep a positive outlook, it is so helpful and so important. We'll be looking in on you tomorrow and know you'll be better by then.

Dave and Lynn
I'm glad you have your laptop and some DVDs. Being stuck in bed is definitely not fun (been there/done that, as you all know), but it helps when you have something to do. It is hard when you can't have your babies up with you. James had to put Cubbie outside a lot when I went through that, and I was always terrified of the cats running across my leg.

Praying very hard here.

Thanks you everyone for your prayers, thoughts, concern and encouragement. I got home from the hospital about 2 hours ago but had lunch with DH and then ended up getting a most wonderful phone call.

Anyway, yes, there was a very small blood clot on the right side of my knee. They say that my getting to the hospital so fast after the first symptoms hit and getting fast tracked through with the blood tests and precautionary treatment (pressure stocking and anti-coagulant medication combined with elevation and rest) really helped. It seems to be breaking up and so they only kept me for a few hours for observation and sent me home. I still have to give myself the shots for 10 days and wear the stocking, but I can, and should, move around somewhat to keep the circulation going without over doing it.

I am not totally out of the woods yet but it could have been so much worse. I credit all the thoughts and prayers from my friends, church and all you for getting me through this. My two doctors are shaking their heads at a) how I keep having so much trouble with this leg and b) how it all seems to work out for the better (such as going in looking for infection that was all gone and finding something else that needed working on.

Their main concern now is to break up the scar tissue inside the knee from the outside. If they went in to surgically do it again it would just form more scarring which what is reducing circulation and promoting the clots. The doctor's have okayed me to to go to my old physiotherapist who is trained in special massage therapy and needle therapy (similar to acupuncture but not the same) to see if that will help.

I am resting now with a couple of new DVD's, my laptop and some good books so will be fine until DH gets home this evening. I am tired and will probably have a nap. I have to go back to my GP on Thursday and am to go to the hospital immediately if I feel it getting worse.

Again, thank you all.
I'm so glad you did catch it early Laurie. Let the doctors be amazed! Maybe they will figure it out!

Take a good long nap (sometimes that is the best medicine), and take good care of that leg.

We're still praying, and will continue to do so. Enjoy those movies!

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