Please say prayers for Richie

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Sous Chef
Mar 7, 2006
He's my brother, 56. He has stomach cancer, is confined to bed, doctors say he might make it a week more. We've known it was coming, and he's doing lots better and longer than the doctor's predicted. I'll bet he'll fool the doctors this time too. He's a toughie. :)

Thanks :)

By the way, this is Cindy, GB was kind enough to change the username to Gossie, the name I use on other forums.
Thanks Thumper

I know why God is taking him so soon, it's cuz he's good people, has a big heart.
Prayers going up as I type! So sorry he and your family are having to go through this. I know how hard this is as both my parents had cancer. Stay strong!
Cindy, so sorry to hear of your brother's plight. I know how you feel. I lost my good friend two years ago of the same illness. I am still reeling from the shock of her sudden death. She was also a very nice and helpful person with a good heart. My prayers go to you and Richie. May the good Lord bless him. Remember, miracles do happen!
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Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about this sadness in your life.
Many thoughts and prayers to your brother Richie, to you and all your family.
My prayers to you Cindy, and to your brother and your family. I hope he fools the doctors :) Always think positive!
I keep saying he's a tough bird, cuz he is .. he has gone well beyond what the doctors first predicted.

There's way too much cancer in this world. I lost two young friends a couple of years ago, one from stomach cancer and the other from ovarian cancer. They were both about 25 years old. What a shock!
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