An absolutely sleepless night has just past. After a talk with my son anout the state of my home in Mi., and the repairs it needs to make it safe, and up to code, it would take more resouses than I have. My wife livrs there, and refuses to move. I have installed new pressure tank for the well, nrw hot water heater, new high efficeincy gas furnace, new dishwadher and stove, and more. Àt this point, the home is an emdless money pit, in part due to my wif's behavior in past years, and her current lifestyle. The nest option is to get her to agree to an apartment, or even a small home, and sell the house that my dad built and I remodled. I know that she will reguse, and as half owner of the house, I can't just force her out. In other words, my life is in rough shape right now. This woman spent 40,000 dollars of my inheritance in three months, on a trip to Ca. , with the kids, to stay with her mom while I eas having a 2nd story put on the house. But I loved her, and couldn't say no. I was also in love with the idea of marriage lasting forever. It noe all comes back to haunt me. There are no easy answers, though there are andwers. It's just a wuestion if she will work with me. I anticipate that she will fight me tooth and na to stay in that home. I may just have to get it condemed to force her out of it. My mind has been racing all night, complety depriving me of sleep. It's going to be a long day, and with dyalisis.
Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North