Our simple and quick fish tacos...

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Senior Cook
May 20, 2014
Too close to Atlanta
I suppose I could be labeled a 'minimalist' regarding some of my cooking because a lot of my stuff is deceptively simple. Here's a basic recipe for fish tacos:

I prefer either Tilapia or Mahi-Mahi for tacos. In a skillet I sauté the fish in a tablespoon of olive oil and add only THREE ingredients for flavoring: garlic salt, chili powder, and lime juice. That's it. The fish can be either cooked whole or chunked up but I usually chunk mine.

The home made tortillas are a house specialty and enhance both the texture and flavor of whatever is put into them. And, what I put into them, besides the fish is quite different from a traditional taco. I add sliced avocado, green onions, chopped tomatoes, sometimes black olives, chopped romaine lettuce or Kale, and the sauce is what sets it off. The sauce is made primarily of just 4 ingredients: Greek or plain yogurt, a sweetener, (sugar, honey, stevia, you pick it) fresh chopped cilantro, and Mexican hot sauce. How much of each you put in is according to your own taste.

I prefer to enjoy the subtle taste of the fish and not overpower it with other added ingredients. The fish flavor and the sweet/hot/cool flavor of the sauce is intoxicating.

1 1/2 cups unbleached white flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp salt
Enough warm water to make dough that is just combined enough to handle.

I put the dough on a cutting board, moisten my hands with oil and knead it out into a long roll. I cut the roll into 2" segments and press down firmly with my electric tortilla press. It does take some practice and patience when first trying this. Flip the tortilla over when the top side begins to lightly bubble up. Place on a cooling rack. These tortillas are so versatile that their uses are limited only by your imagination.


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