Our pets

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The kittens are named Mork (The Meteor) and Mindy (The Merciless). Here is Mork helping Dad with the internet, kind of.


You're bothering me with that camera!

4-1/2 months. Mindy is black/gray/white with a touch of tan/very light orange here and there. They are 2 of a litter of 3, with the third being a girl, ginger like Mork and bobbed tail. Mindy is a petite little thing, almost half his size, definitely half his weight, but beats her brother up like you wouldn't believe, i.e. "The Merciless." She's not in a good picture taking position right now. They are recharging their batteries for another round of tearing around the house.

They are in their third week of learning to use the toilet instead of a litter box. We decided to give it a try since they were just fascinated with flushing.

I brought them home with me from Mississippi where I was taking care of my Dad. They were about 2-1/2 weeks when I first saw them since I had come home to take care of some things for about 3 weeks and then went back for a couple of months. Mindy, as soon as she could walk, decided right away I belonged to her so I didn't have much choice as far as she was concerned. Mork took a little longer but he eventually claimed me too. They were amazing little travelers when we finally came home.
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What a nice story about your kitties, medtran. Mork is a beauty. :wub: Let us know how the toilet training goes, I had a friend that successfully taught her kitty to use the toilet. Amazing! :LOL:
Yes, we do really want to hear about the training to use the toilet. It's something I want to do the next time I get a cat.
I bought a product called CitiKitty. It's a tray with ridged rings that fits nicely down in the toilet under the seat. It was about $30 I think and then we had to buy the flushable littler at $15 for 10 lb. Figured that wasn't too bad of an investment if I can get rid of the litter box. You start out with a decent amount of litter in the tray for at least a week until they get used to it. It's a bit of a pain to take in and out if you have to share the toilet with the kitties but we only have 1 bathroom downstairs and that's where I had initially put their littler box anyway, which had to be removed.

Anyway, after they are used to jumping up on the toilet to go, which the kittens took to right away, you wait a week and then cut the inner ring out and start using a little less litter. Trust me, you'll be using less anyway because they scratch it all out into the toilet, over the seat, etc. It's a bit messy but, again, I can GET RID of the litter box hopefully so it's bearable for a few weeks.

Each week you cut a ring out, there are 5 of them, and cut down on the litter. We're on ring 2. They are pretty much doing #1 into the toilet now since they always gravitated toward the center anyway, and we get a few #2's in there as well. We've had 3-4 accidents, once cause I hadn't gotten the wet litter cleaned out before the next time somebody wanted to use it. Once for sure since I witnessed it was because they both wanted to use the potty at the same time and Mork basically used his size to knock Mindy off and out of his way. Once because a human was occupying it and Mork needed to go. I think there was 1 other time but it was in the middle of the night so... At least the accidents were in the bathroom next to the toilet on tile flooring so they were easy to clean. I think they are doing pretty good, at least as good as a human toddler being potty trained.

Oh, if you do get the CitiKitty product, it also includes a bag of catnip that you are supposed to use to entice them up to the toilet. DO NOT use this unless you want a HUGE mess to clean up. Mork went bonkers and there was litter EVERYWHERE! At least it hadn't been used yet and was clean.
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Great! Best of luck with it. It sure will make life simpler. I have seen the CityKitty thingee, as well as other brands of similar. It's nice to read about a specific product.
Adorable kitties Craig! If you end up deciding to not keep them (fat chance there :LOL: ) our daughter and I will take them off your hands.

*sigh* Our immediate family is another cat short. Our daughter's remaining kitty (and her first of her own) died a couple days ago. Mystic wasn't looking good when we stayed with Loverly earlier this month. Loverly said that Mystic had pretty much stopped eating after Dan died and she figured poor Mystic was so lonely she was slowly dying of a broken heart. :( RIP sweet kitty.


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Adorable kitties Craig! If you end up deciding to not keep them (fat chance there :LOL: ) our daughter and I will take them off your hands.

*sigh* Our immediate family is another cat short. Our daughter's remaining kitty (and her first of her own) died a couple days ago. Mystic wasn't looking good when we stayed with Loverly earlier this month. Loverly said that Mystic had pretty much stopped eating after Dan died and she figured poor Mystic was so lonely she was slowly dying of a broken heart. :( RIP sweet kitty.

I'm so sorry, I know how it hurts when we lose our babies. 2 of our 4 pugs in my avatar have left us and the other 2 beneficiaries of Mork's massage skills will be 15 this year. I had told Craig no more animals but I just couldn't resist the baby kitties.
Thanks guys. :heart: I told Loverly we should get Mother/Daughter hamsters. squee! She said that's OK, that she still has her turtle Herbie. Hmm, guess I won't bother either. After all, I still have Himself. He's a little like a pet rock - less active than a dormant turtle. :mrgreen:
I'm sorry too. It's always awful when we lose a pet....a family member.

When my dear cat Monster passed, I called in for the first time ever. I just couldn't paste a smile on my face and get through it at work.

I am so sorry.
Thanks CCL. Mystic was our daughter's cat. She called me early Saturday afternoon. Her guy friend took her to breakfast, then he buried Mystic on his property. Loverly couldn't handle her second of two cats dying a couple of months apart, but she didn't have time to think about it too long. After we got off the phone she had to drive to her co-leader's home for a indoor camp-out for their Daisy Girl Scout troop. Five, five-year-olds from 4:00 PM until the next afternoon :wacko:, at which time the parents were invited to join in the bridging ceremony to Brownies before taking their scouts home. Haven't talked to her yet this week but I know she's alive - a mutual friend on Facebook said both our kids stopped by her place Tuesday.
Our Boy


Our four legged son, Vito


We lost him back in October of 2005 at the age of 12 to DM and Megasophagus, that's a pretty good long life for a GSD. The Vet told us that she never dreamed that he would have survived, but I'm just stubborn that way, to the bitter end at least ... we miss him everyday
So sorry to hear about Mystic, CG.

I felt so bad for Violet and Monkey while the kids were here because their life was turned upside down. They both kind of look at my craft studio as their hideout and it got turned into our bedroom so the kids could have ours. Monkey hid under the bed for the whole two weeks, coming out when she needed to eat and use her box, and then roamed the house after the kids went to bed. Ten year old Violet was tormented by the kids and wouldn't leave my side. I guess the two days when I was in the hospital and TB was at work, the Mom (who has known Vi since she was a pup, let her into the "room" for rest periods.

Well, I think some good and bad has come out of this. Monkey is still a wild child, but she also enjoys cuddling and belly rubs a lot more than BK (before kids). She is trying to get out of the house less and when the kids did come, she just made sure she stayed out of her way.

Violet on the other hand has aged terribly. She is afraid of everything and is very whiny and clingy. I also think she is more sore and lame than before they came. I am quite worried about her. I don't know what to do for her.
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