One year

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
I am one year smoke free!!


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That's great Stacy! Keep up the good work. It has been either 4 1/2 years or 5 1/2 years for James. If he can do it, so can you!

Holy cow! GOOD FOR YOU!!! 365 gold stars for you! You're officially a non smoker now!
I know it was UB. I feel better and I don't get sick with everything everyone brings around now. I do still want one every once in a while though, but, it's VERY easy to think of something else and it's completely gone, lol

Thanks guys. Ya'll help me get it going and I just couldn't relapse after that.
Congratulations Stacy, I am so proud of you! That is no small achievement! I remember when I quit how good I felt.
Congratulations! I have friends who have tried and tried, and slip back into it. I know it takes a lot of strength to stop - keep up the good work!
I am one year smoke free!!
Really? already? wow, I'm at 1-1/2 years and at times I still want one, but Ive been stubborn as a mule, even tho there are times I could smack DH and DD for the way this came about..One day they will learn I'm not a dog you slap a patch on without asking!!!!!!

Good for you Stacy at least you did this and all on your own..Great work.
Congrats, Stacey!!! I quit on Jan 15, 2004, five years ago. Smoked two packs a day for forty-five years. Back then it was the thing to do, everybody did it. Didn't realize how much it stunk and what damage i could do to you, even though we call them "coffin nails". In the Army you had to have a pack displayed in your footlocker. According to the doctors, I'm now living on borrowed time, and have been for about four years. It's true what they say about having to "pay for your fun". If you can get someone to quit when they're young, or better yet never start, then they won't be joining me as one of the walking dead.
Yeap, one year, lol. I can't believe that I can actually say that either. Cj, I know why you quit and when it's because of someone else, it's makes it so much harder. Just think what it would be like if you were still smoking though. I don't think you would be here and I'm truly happy that you are!!

Dave, I wish you well and hope that you keep "borrowing " all the time you want!!
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