My Violet has an owie.

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taxlady said:
I think you are thinking of Alka Seltzer.

I don't take Alka Seltzer myself, and don't have it in the house, too much sodium.

Was thinking Pepto had salacylic acid, I could be wrong.

I appreciate you checking with the vet, CWS, one of the questions I forgot to ask!
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Hi everyone, sorry to take so long getting back but it has been a real roller coaster of a day. We couldn't get her in this morning when Joie was booked in for his grooming so had to leave her home alone with her cone collar on. I was crying uncontrollably standing outside waiting for DH to pick me up and hearing her mournful howls. (She is a bit of a drama queen but it didn't help when I already felt bad about it all).

We had an meeting to go to and got back home around 11. I took off her collar so she could drink some water and she went and laid down with DH for awhile. When she got up sure enough she had scratched it open again.

When I got to the vet Violet looked like she had gone three rounds with Rocky Balboa. The vet said it could be infected because of an initial scratch, but because new patches were popping up she was wondering about mites. So they did a skin scraping and it came clean so it is being treated as an infected eye (there is puss coming from the tear duct. So she is on anti-biotic and cream for 2 weeks and back in the office in 10 days.

She is fast asleep right now on her bed beside me - it has been a rough day on both of us. The entire bill for both of the dogs, medicine and tests was 3 times what was budgeted for the original visit. But I can't put a price on what these two mutts mean to us. But to add more to it, our awesome groomer, the only one with the patience to work through Joie's fears and behaviour problems (from way before we got him) told me today this will be his last visit with her as she is moving to the island. I wanted to break down and cry right then but held out at least until I got to the car.

Thanks so much for everyone's concern, encouragement and help. She is obviously still in discomfort from it, but hearing her snoring right now is music to my ears!
LPBeier said:
Hi everyone, sorry to take so long getting back but it has been a real roller coaster of a day. We couldn't get her in this morning when Joie was booked in for his grooming so had to leave her home alone with her cone collar on. I was crying uncontrollably standing outside waiting for DH to pick me up and hearing her mournful howls. (She is a bit of a drama queen but it didn't help when I already felt bad about it all).

We had an meeting to go to and got back home around 11. I took off her collar so she could drink some water and she went and laid down with DH for awhile. When she got up sure enough she had scratched it open again.

When I got to the vet Violet looked like she had gone three rounds with Rocky Balboa. The vet said it could be infected because of an initial scratch, but because new patches were popping up she was wondering about mites. So they did a skin scraping and it came clean so it is being treated as an infected eye (there is puss coming from the tear duct. So she is on anti-biotic and cream for 2 weeks and back in the office in 10 days.

She is fast asleep right now on her bed beside me - it has been a rough day on both of us. The entire bill for both of the dogs, medicine and tests was 3 times what was budgeted for the original visit. But I can't put a price on what these two mutts mean to us. But to add more to it, our awesome groomer, the only one with the patience to work through Joie's fears and behaviour problems (from way before we got him) told me today this will be his last visit with her as she is moving to the island. I wanted to break down and cry right then but held out at least until I got to the car.

Thanks so much for everyone's concern, encouragement and help. She is obviously still in discomfort from it, but hearing her snoring right now is music to my ears!

Good grief! LP, glad she's doing better, and hope you can get some sleep too! I understand how you can feel so helpless.
I just found more scratches on her other eye and her head. If this keeps up she'll have to go back and it may still be mights. I have a week's worth of catering to plan for and all I can think of is her. I will be glad when DH gets home in an hour. :(
They have such lousy timing. Hopefully it is just scabs from scratching. Isn't it funny how the DH is never there when these things happen?
They have such lousy timing. Hopefully it is just scabs from scratching. Isn't it funny how the DH is never there when these things happen?
Unfortunately his "lousy timing" is called work. He is on shift from 3 - 11pm and gets home shortly before midnight. He has texted me 3 times to see how she is doing...and me too. He would be here if he could. He is almost as bad as me when it comes to these two furballs. :)
I know. I've had to call s/one to come help me when the sr. Giant can't get up the ramp, has legs splayed, and I can't lift the dog, even using two slings/towels. Very frustrating. Hopefully things will get better.
I'm glad you were able to have Violet seen today and that she has some medicine. I hope there is nothing else, like mites, going on.

I'm so sorry you are losing your groomer. I hope you can find another one as good with Joie as he is. It's too bad he couldn't be there to introduce Joie to the new groomer and work along with him so Joie would maybe feel more comfortable having someone new work on him. This reminds me of my friend. She is so scared of dentists that she was actually kicked out by one dentist during a procedure because of her loud moaning and groaning that was scaring the other patients. She found a dentist who knows how to calm her down, and she is worried that if she loses him as a dentist, she won't be able to find another one who can work with her. :rolleyes:

Gentle hugs to Violet and Joie, and to you and your awesome hubby. :cool:
I know. I've had to call s/one to come help me when the sr. Giant can't get up the ramp, has legs splayed, and I can't lift the dog, even using two slings/towels. Very frustrating. Hopefully things will get better.
Oh now that sounds distressing. I can just imagine me in that situation and the feeling of panic.
I'm glad Violet got looked at and is on the road to feeling better. Now Laurie needs rest...
Well, "Mother and Daughter" both had a good sleep last night and I for one feel much more rested and less stressed. We didn't put the collar on but DH said she never even woke up to go out in the night so she just zonked I guess - no scratching!

I think the bad stuff is behind us now. As long as we can keep her from scratching and reopening the wounds and it doesn't spread, the medication should start working soon. I won't be around much now for the next week to deal with it, so DH will have his turn ;).

I just want to thank everyone for listening to me. Never having had children, I have channeled my maternal instincts on my dogs and my youth group. Right now my time is divided between both and even though I broke down a bit yesterday, I know I can handle it and it all worked out. Another lesson learned! :)

Now my attentions are turned to 6 kg worth of meatballs, 1 kg of taco meat and 1 kg of pizza beef!
Violet is waaaay too smart for her own good. We have tried everything possible to get her to take her antibiotic. Tricks we know from past dogs, things the vet office have told us, EVERYTHING. She will take it once and the next time you try that technique (say, putting it in pieces of pork meatballs and putting other pieces of the meatballs in her dish with nothing in them) she knows. She is loosing weight and we are wasting pills. Because I am in so much pain, we are down a car (DH's had a nail in his tire and it is in the shop) we changed Violet's appointment to Wednesday and they are going to give us something to try and get her to take the pills.

The eye itself is looking better and there is no more puss there, but the cuts around the eye are still open. We've gone back to keeping the cone on when we can't watch her.
Latex glove, pop her mouth open, and shove the pill to the back of her throat, keep her head tipped back and rub her throat. I know, that sounds nasty, but that's how I gave chemo tabs to a dog--it worked.

After that, in dog class, I would include an exercise re: pilling the dog (with bits of soft treats--no glove) so that one could pill the dog and not have to use the glove.
There's a type of blowgun, for lack of a better word, that I recall could be used on cats. Why not try something similar for dogs? I wonder if a big, long straw would work, or a piece of plastic tubing. Put the pill in the tube, stick it down her throat, and give a good blow. Might need to be a two person job, one to hold her jaws open, the other to blow. And you may need a couple practice dry runs to make sure you can blow the pill through the tube.

The things we go through for our furbabies! Good luck LP!
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Peanut butter. Get a big gob on a spoon, wipe it up with your finger, press the pill inside, open her mouth and wipe the peanut butter on the roof of her mouth. That is how I get ours to take their pills. After this last course of anti-biotics, Ali (my Avatar) started coming into the kitchen and waiting for her peanut butter in the mornings.
There's a type of blowgun, for lack of a better word, that I recall could be used on cats. Why not try something similar for dogs? I wonder if a big, long straw would work, or a piece of plastic tubing. Put the pill in the tube, stick it down her throat, and give a good blow. Might need to be a two person job, one to hold her jaws open, the other to blow. And you may need a couple practice dry runs to make sure you can blow the pill through the tube.

The things we go through for our furbabies! Good luck LP!

And hope that Violet doesn't know how to blow back...

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