My son wanted real snow

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It started snowing her about 45 minutes ago, but the weather service contacted schools last night telling them that the weather was not going to be too bad first thing this morning, but by going home time it was going to be real bad. Most schools cancelled before it started snowing. I'll try to get a couple picts right now then some later.
Here are picts of the weather here and it's actually started snowing harder as I was putting these on. If it does keep snowing like this all day I definately will be snowed in.


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Plus, he loves driving in that crap, for some stupid reason:wacko:

doing donuts in a large, snow covered parking lot is a right of passage for guys when you get your driving license. and every year after that. :angel: well, at least it used to be back in the day when everyone had rear wheel drive.

it taught you how to control your vehicle in a skid, and to drive by the seat of your pants.

i still love to power fishtail (aka drifting) around corners when no one's around.

we're supposed to get anywhere between 4 and 9 inches today. yay! let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Yep. That's about what it looks like up here by the lake, Mikki. Except it looks like better visibility where you are.
doing donuts in a large, snow covered parking lot is a right of passage for guys when you get your driving license. and every year after that. :angel: well, at least it used to be back in the day when everyone had rear wheel drive.

it taught you how to control your vehicle in a skid, and to drive by the seat of your pants.

i still love to power fishtail (aka drifting) around corners when no one's around.

Aint that the truth BT! We used to head up to the driver's training course at night and let her rip when I was 16. And then a few years later when I had my Z-28, I did so many donuts I spun the alternator belt off..... This was in a paved parking lot though :angel:
pacanis, it's worse here already,right now I can't see the trees that you can see in the last pict.
wow! you threw a belt? now that's a donut!

lol, i remember all of the cassette tapes (with van halen's "hot for teacher" blaring in the deck) and anything else not nailed down bouncing off the windows and dashboard.
doing donuts in a large, snow covered parking lot is a right of passage for guys when you get your driving license. and every year after that. :angel: well, at least it used to be back in the day when everyone had rear wheel drive.

it taught you how to control your vehicle in a skid, and to drive by the seat of your pants.

i still love to power fishtail (aka drifting) around corners when no one's around.

we're supposed to get anywhere between 4 and 9 inches today. yay! let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Or, you learned to execute the "E-brake 180" maneuver in a FWD car. I've done both. Since the current truck is a 2wd model, I went with the fishtails this morning. :)

It's coming down hard and fast today, and it's supposed to keep it up till this afternoon. Looks like we'll be having a white Christmas, for sure.
In my case it was Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, I love Rock N Roll. And I had both an 8-track and a cassette player (I was in transition, lol), so yeah, the tapes were a flyin' .
There's a lot more to that night which I can't get into here ;^) Probably not even the man thread (lol).
pacanis, it's worse here already,right now I can't see the trees that you can see in the last pict.

I just heard they're calling for a foot up in your neck of the woods.
Good luck.
they keep changing the forcast, up to a footor more,then if storm moves more north we might get sleet on top of snow. Either way it sounds like it's going to a mess.
wow! you threw a belt? now that's a donut!

lol, i remember all of the cassette tapes (with van halen's "hot for teacher" blaring in the deck) and anything else not nailed down bouncing off the windows and dashboard.

I had a "69" Dodge Van with rear wheel drive, and a 68 Polaris mustang snowmobile with an 18 inch track, with cleats that ran the full width of the track. Now talk about two doughnut making machines. And as for the driving right of passage, I took all of my kids, boys and girls, when they were in driver's ed, and at night we went to the bowling alley parking lot, where they were taught by dear old dad to control a skid, get out of a spin, and to be able to spin to the desired degree of a turn. Before I got done with them, they could predict and execute how far they would the back end around. I also taught them how to use front wheel torque to spin the car on purpose, if they needed to get off of the road when going sideways (happened to me on an especially slippery day while making a slow turn around a tight corner, my car went sideways and it would have taken too long to straighten it out with the oncoming traffic, so I spun it and parked it on the shoulder until the traffic cleared). Seat of the pants driving is an essential skill where I live (on the Canadian Border).

Also, it was sooooo much fun "skiing behind my buddies car in hard-soled shoes at 2 a.m. on wintery nights, trying to stay on your feet while the drive tried to make you fall. Oh wait, that wasn't me. It was my evil twin.:whistling And of course, I never was the driver in such an escapade.:angel:

Now it's in life experiences like these that I and BT are blood brothers.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Also, it was sooooo much fun "skiing behind my buddies car in hard-soled shoes at 2 a.m. on wintery nights, trying to stay on your feet while the drive tried to make you fall.

i think every guy i knew kept an old pair of worn out hiking boots or work shoes just for that reason. i don't know why, but it was called "skitching".

this doesn't sound right, but someday g.w., i'm gonna have to head north and we'll take turns hanging on to each other's bumper, riding around town.

(i still refuse to watch "brokeback mountain", though)

boy, tg, do you see the male bonding that you started? let me see your war face!!!!
We used to really ski behind one guy's Jeep. Think water skiing. Now that's a blast.
OK guys we females do stuff like that too. The boys use to get mad at me because I could hang onto a bumper longer then they could. That is until my parents saw me and told me if I did it again I'd be grounded for life.
i think every guy i knew kept an old pair of worn out hiking boots or work shoes just for that reason. i don't know why, but it was called "skitching".

this doesn't sound right, but someday g.w., i'm gonna have to head north and we'll take turns hanging on to each other's bumper, riding around town.

(i still refuse to watch "brokeback mountain", though)

boy, tg, do you see the male bonding that you started? let me see your war face!!!!

I think you're all crazy!!!:LOL::ROFLMAO:
I think you're all crazy!!!:LOL::ROFLMAO:

Ah T.G., you just gotta get the adrenaline pumpin' at some point in your life. Come on up here where I live. Those sandpits are still in place, and the steepest side is still there. A ride from top to bottom on a well waxed tobogan, standing up, now there's a thrill ride. Makes roller coasters seem like a ride on a kids tricycle. And that's a true story!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: (No one else in the neighborhood had guts enough to try that stunt. I'm the king looney around here.):LOL:

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
just to be picayune, that's 4 words and a lot of exclamation points.

or were you shivering too much? ;)
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