Looking for a whisk

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Sous Chef
Oct 15, 2007
I am trying to find a certain type of whisk. The end resembles a slightly un-coiled spring, and is circular so that it can rest flat on the bottom of a pan. My sister has a nylon one. She thinks that she got it through Pampered Chef but their website doesn't list anything like it.
Is this what you're looking for? You can get it by googling, 'images wire whisks'. I have seen these in kitchen specialty shops everywhere. You might try googling to find out where you can buy one online.



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I believe I have one of both of those, they are not the same, and I got them from TJ Max or Marshall's or Ross. You would be suprised at what you can find in there if you hunt.
Is this what you're looking for? You can get it by googling, 'images wire whisks'. I have seen these in kitchen specialty shops everywhere. You might try googling to find out where you can buy one online.

That's it. I Googled 'images wire whisks' and checked every website on the first page, but came up with nothing.

I have checked Bed, Bath & Beyond, KMart, Walmart and every department store in the mall. Last week, I drove an hour to a big outlet mall and checked several kitchen stores there.
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